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Chinese valentine’s day-it’s time to find your better half

1256 views. 2011-8-7 21:47

Chinese Valentine’s Day which falls on Chinese calendar July 7th is becoming more and more popular for Chinese people to show  their lovers how much it means to them. As we all know Valentine’s Day means chocolate and rose, but to Chinese Valentine’s Day it means gathering.


This year’s Valentine’s Day happens to be on weekends, so it’s meaningful for us to celebrate the holiday with our better half. Yesterday, the wife my general manager came to meet him. It’s her first time to come to visit my city, as an administration manager of the company I think it is necessary for the company to hold a welcoming ceremony for the couples. The welcoming ceremony was holding at a four stars hotel all the members of the company their families to have a formal dinner. After the dinner we went to karaoke.


This morning I read the news about Chinese Valentine’s Day from internet. And one that’s really made me laugh. The news was taking about a big matchmaking service fair was holding in Harbin, Heilongjiang province china. Thousand’s of people came together to find their better half during this special day. To top it off some parents went there to look for their future daughter or son in-law. Pool parents!

An old couple was raising a big sign was written the information for their son, like educational background and income and occupation. They are looking for a daughter in-law who are pretty and at least have a bachelor degree and have a golden bowl’s job. My god, it seems they looking for a golden spoon! It’s understandable for the old couple was worried about their son or daughter’s marriage, but this looks more like a job market and the difference is they go there for marriage interview.


This reminds me of another event. Last year 50 big wealth of China put advertising on the newspaper to look for their future wife. Needless to say ten thousand’s of unmarried women asked for “the job”. The interview was holding at Guangzhou Chinese hotel. Those big bosses not only care about outer beauty but inner beauty and they also relied on Fengshui master to judge if the interviewer can “warm” their future! And all the beauties were from famous Chinese top ten universities!


It seems make more and more sense to change one’s destiny through out marriage. Chinese Valentine’s Day have you found your love?

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Post comment Comment (2 replies)

Reply 怡兰 2011-8-8 13:48
I had no idea Chinese Valentine day was on a different day that in Europe! we celebrate it on February 14th
Reply bluephoebe 2011-8-8 21:23
I guess true love is hard to be found, no matter how many valentine's Day---Chinese, Japanese, European---we start to celebrate.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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