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It’s easier to buy luxury goods in domestic markets than anytime before

1032 views. 2012-2-22 22:47 |

The story begins with the Exotic Cargo Market of Tian Jin. One of the store owners closed her business many years ago when the business were on the peak. She told the reporter to get a good booth she had to get up in 3 in the morning. And people poured in from all over china and the market of Exotic Cargo Tianjin was so busy that you could not find a small place to move.

The Exotic Cargo Market of Tianiin is a secondhand good’s market. The goods included secondhand clothes from overseas. Some of them were smuggled. But if you came to the market nowadays you will find that there are fewer people than two decades before.



Why there is a big difference compare to the pass ten years. The reason they say is so simple. About 30 years go a French designer came to Beijing and set up a fashion show at the capitals’ cultural palace of nationalities.8 models came from French and four came from Japan. This was the first time the so-called fashion show took place in mainland china. But this fashion show just for the professionals and some experts in the business. Three years later another show came out to the public.



At that time, the Chinese just wore in blue and black and gray color. The show gave folks a shock that people can wear as colorfully as they can. And some luxury goods began expending the Chinese markets but the prices of those goods are too high. We can say it costs us an arm and a leg. They are big brands like Louis Vuitton and Hemers.


So that we understand how hungry the Chinese wanted own those luxury goods but we don’t have a bunch of money to buy those things. So the secondhand luxury goods were becoming more and more popular in those years.


A woman who left her job from a big firm 20 years ago told the reporter to replenish her stock. She often went Jiexi south china Guangdong province where she could buy too much “foreign garbage” for just about 50 Yuan she got a bag of jackets and she packed up the good ones and disqualify the bad ones like the one that was too old or too worn.

She made as ten time as her previous payment in the state-run firm in a day!

Post comment Comment (2 replies)

Reply sans_trace 2012-2-22 23:24
Most Chinese people prefer not to wear secondhand clothes while some American environmentalists ONLY buy secondhand clothes.
Reply snowflying 2012-2-23 21:15
your blog show up again finally after so long time's hiding. seems the shopping field is our female's space,hehe..

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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