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Something unhappy always happens ....

Hot 1445 views. 2023-1-22 13:16

Not every year is a happy beginning. Yesterday I was criticized badly by my father because of some trivial things. I know that the real reason is not that thing but the broken relationship between him and my mom. They have been the familiar strangers for many years living under the same roof and lying the same bed every day. Sometimes when it occurs to me , I felt deeply scared about the marriage life. How could thing goes like that? They seldom talk with each other . The only communication in my family is between parents and kids. What they never understand is that my brother and I are never happy about the freeze atmosphere around us. However, I tried everything I can do but nothing achieved. So I gave it up and try hard to accept it that I can't change . It's hard. Especially at the beginning of each year when others gather happily and celebrate the new year , friendly atmosphere is hardly found at my home. Therefore, most of time I choose to stay at my own room where I would not disturbed by others esp. my father , a totally self-centered guy who would always push me to do things or give comments about everything , though he still often breaks into my room whenever he likes.  I can't stand him and also can't figure it out why my mom doesn't divorce with him. By the way, as the popular saying that divorce is bad for children , I think it's nonsense. The biggest harm for children is absolutely not divorce but the emotional abuse  between parents. They don't get a divorce only because they don't have the courage to face comments from relatives and friends. To protect kids from a broken family is their excuse. What a great excuse! 
Some words comes to me clearly: we can change nothing, never mention we can change somebody. It's vital that we can learn to respect others and accept the unhappiness and unexpected things happened in our life. At last but not least, happy new year to everyone here. 

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Reply teadrinking 2023-1-22 22:23
There must be reasons and I think you have already known the gist of the bad relationship between your parents and why they just cannot face the reality of their awful connection.

Actually, we have to be brave in terms of reality. What we cannot do is we are almost unable to alter others' lives but we can steer our own.

Happy new year.
Reply qianwen 2023-2-4 19:40
teadrinking: There must be reasons and I think you have already known the gist of the bad relationship between your parents and why they just cannot face the reali ...
Yes, I'm feeling better now.
Happy lantern festival.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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