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( 17980 ) Visits

  • To outstrip of authority
  • Maybe I should say something as a new start, BUT I would rather like keeping silence. Reply
  • Thanks for spending days safe and sound. Amen. Reply
  • The wind is a little bit strong, I drink them too much that, I am not hungry at all.  Reply
  • It is a long time that I haven't enjoyed the feeling of having a walk in rain. Now , I got it.  Reply
  • I have never found that cloudy weather can  have charming, too. Reply
  • Real NameKevin Yu
  • GenderMale
  • Residence北京 海淀
  • OccupationFree Lancers
  • Blood TypeB
  • Websitehttp://

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  • lovingfun published a new blog 8-6 00:50
    Que sera sera means whatever will be, will be. It is a song which was came from the movie The Man Who Knew Too Much . I saw this movie when I wa ...
  • lovingfun published a new blog 2-8 09:30
    The Fourth Day of the Chinese New Year
    In Chinese, today belongs to the Kitchen God. In different region in China, people may have different customs to celebrate it. One of the trad ...
  • lovingfun published a new blog 1-23 03:50
    Love Really Exist
    This term, I taught at a private school, which is dedicated in migrant workers’ children education, as a volunteer teacher. This school is lo ...
  • lovingfun published a new blog 10-15 19:50
    Should We Embrace Indoorsy Lifestyle?
    With the globalization of modern technology, especially the world-wide access to Internet service, people’s lifestyle has been greatly influenced ...
  • lovingfun published a new blog 7-25 00:46
    Understanding slowly
    I understand slowly that the more I want to seal my past, I do long for things such as daily’s real life, the ever past passion ,troubles I met bef ...
QUE SERA SERA 2019-08-06
    Que sera sera means whatever will be, will be. It is a song which was came from the movie The Man Who Knew Too Much . I saw this mov ...
(1210) Views|(1) Replies
Something About Children’s Education 2019-07-24
    We all know that education is very essential to our lives. We can benefit a lot from long-life learning. As the time go by, we have ma ...
(902) Views|(0) Replies
The Fourth Day of the Chinese New Year 2019-02-08
      In Chinese, today belongs to the Kitchen God. In different region in China, people may have different customs to celebrate it. ...
(1186) Views|(1) Replies
Love Really Exist 2019-01-23
      This term, I taught at a private school, which is dedicated in migrant workers’ children education, as a volunteer teacher. ...
(1261) Views|(1) Replies
Should We Embrace Indoorsy Lifestyle? 2018-10-15
    With the globalization of modern technology, especially the world-wide access to Internet service, people’s lifestyle has been greatl ...
(4820) Views|(1) Replies

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freefu55 2015-3-18 15:59
Hello my friend. Please add my WeChat freefu55 . Then you can communicating with nice guys. Your friend.
snowflying 2011-10-13 07:38
nice to meet you,welcome to join us,my friend.
异物 2011-10-12 13:16
lovingfun: Funny enough. Your avatar impressed me so much.   I wanna give myself a nickname  --  "black hole."   Haha.
A very powerful name.
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