

购物英语 买圣诞礼物 Shopping For Christmas Gifts
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1590次 词条创建者:nico378024265     创建时间:09-17 11:37
标签: 购物

摘要:  CAROLINE: What should I get Uncle Teddy?   DRAKE: You could get him a tie.   CAROLINE: Are you kidding?   That's the stupidest gift one can buy. I don't want to get a tie.   DRAKE: Why n[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1657次 词条创建者:wying1129     创建时间:10-30 14:43
标签: 双语幽默 礼物 生日 忠贞 宁愿

摘要:While on a trip, Mom realized that she had forgotten a present for Dad's birthday. "That's okay," he said, "The only thing I want is for you to love, honor and obey."[阅读全文]