

Sleep Hack: A Simple Strategy For Better Rest In Less Time
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1952次 词条创建者:minghu2010     创建时间:05-29 17:15
标签: sleep health

摘要:  sleep hack Do you start every morning with an internal argument over whether or not to hit the snooze button on your alarm clock again? Do you struggle to fall asleep at night and end up catc[阅读全文]

Bright Eyes:Seeing Better,Longer
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1673次 词条创建者:minghu2010     创建时间:05-28 16:55
标签: eyes health

摘要:There’s no question that many of us stress endlessly about our weight, our skin, and our overall physical well-being. But what about our eyes? Though these organs are vital and very sensitive, we ten[阅读全文]

"Good Fat" cut heart risk by 20%
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1809次 词条创建者:minghu2010     创建时间:05-27 21:54
标签: health food

摘要: Replacing saturated fats with healthier options can cut the risk of heart disease by a fifth, a US study&nb[阅读全文]

编辑:1次 | 浏览:2829次 词条创建者:pch     创建时间:08-26 18:17
标签: running sports health

摘要:The Benefits of Running (装载)Running is one of the simplest form of fitness activity that one can get into. Running doesn't require a lot of equipment in order to get one running. Just look for the[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:2105次 词条创建者:Joycehan     创建时间:07-11 20:01
标签: 个人资料或个人详情 name address postcode phone sex birthday birthplace height weight martial status children health hobbies membership ID

摘要:(1)个人资料或个人详情 personal data or personal details   一、name(姓名),英语的习惯写法是名在前,姓在后,如:daguang wang(王大光)  二、address(通信地址),英语通信地址的写法与汉语迥然不同,[阅读全文]