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Author: Mandy:)
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Post on 2009-11-20 03:17:13 |View author's posts only
Mandy: Hey! yeah, If I remember right...I've heard about your school from student exchange programs. I'm glad you're proud of your school despite what its ra
I've tried to reply early , but I have so many works to do these days and writing in English is a bit time-consuming ,I have to think about it and translate it . How I wish I could use English much more skillfully!

I have heard about the tuition in America and knew it is much higher than that in China .It is about only 1000 dallars per year here in my school .You say you are working in a bakery ?That's cool! I ever worked the same way! I made mooncakes and brought some for my friends ,they said the mooncakes I made were very delicious !haha...and I know how is bread produced .Do you know mooncake ?It may only exist in Chinese culture .

Actually ,I envy that an American student can work their own way through college and pay the tuition by all by themselves .I wish I can work part time like you ,but it seems unrealistic because there are much much more students than jobs .What's more ,a Chinese student ,at least for me ,have many courses to learn .I may feel hard in school work if I work part time .I have to get high grades in school so that I can find a good job after graduation .The competition in China is severe due to the large population .So for my classmates ,most spare time is used for homework ,and some for sports or other things .As for me ,except for studying ,I often surf the net ,chat with friends ,and sometimes hang out for dinners or go to KTV .There are also some activities in class ,like a small party or a trip to a park .I like music too but not that professional ,I just like to feel what the songs tells us  .I'm sure to go to the shows you mentioned if I got a chance !

You say you are curious about Chinese culture and language .Chinese culture is so complicated for me .I can't say I know it very well ,but I'm sure I know a little more than you ,haha...so tell me which area you want to learn and I will tell you all I know !As for the language ,my English teacher ever joked .She said "Chinese is the hardest language in the world and you are lucky to born in China."But I don't think it is that hard ,just do what the teacher tells you to do .If I think out a better way to learn Chinese ,I will let you know !If you want to know how  people talk with friends and family ,you'd better watch some Chinese movies or series .There are also many dialects and  some of them are very interesting but I don't know how to tell you in English ,how I wish you were able to speak Chinese right now !

What is the most important thing ?It is a real question .My parents taught me to be sincere to everyone ,to be brave to fulfill my goals ,to do something for the collective ,and many many things .It is just what Chinese culture tells us .I am trying to be in line with that .
We Chinese honor a brilliant history and culture most .We honor the heros showing pariotism and strong will .I don't know if you are satisfied with my answers .Actually it is hard to answer .Can you tell me something about this ?

By the way ,do you have an email ? Mine is kaelee90@yahoo.com.hk .I don't browse the web everyday but I will check the email .You are the first foreigner I get in touch with and I want to treasure.Expect your letter!

那些汉字你说对了!加油!You can make it !

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