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Shares Step-by-Step Approach
teadrinking 2024-1-20 21:19
In the dynamic challenging of personal development, a prevalent obstacle often surfaces—the inclination to aspire for grand accomplishments without heeding the necessary incremental strides. This initial surge of enthusiasm, fueled by ambitious intentions, can inadvertently lead to the overestima ...
283 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares Painting and Dreaming
teadrinking 2024-1-19 22:05
In the canvas of existence, the sunset's brush, A sign of day's farewell, night's gentle hush. Each day, a dot in life's grand design, A mosaic of moments, in the vast divine. All things intertwined, in life's grand ballet, Experience, the lessons that pave the way. Memory, ...
133 views|0 replies
Shares Rising Strong
teadrinking 2024-1-18 20:13
Life is a dynamic journey, weaving success and failure into a captivating tale. Embracing both joy and challenges, we sculpt our maturity. Each setback becomes a stepping-stone to growth, refining our character in life's crucible. The divine script, with its beginnings and endings, unfolds mysteri ...
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Shares Facing Adversity
teadrinking 2024-1-5 22:36
In the relentless repetition of refinement, where skills are honed a thousand times, mastery takes shape. This process, akin to sculpting, evolves the ordinary into the extraordinary. Welcome solitude as a steadfast ally in this expedition, as it is within the tranquil intervals that the reverbera ...
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Shares 2024
teadrinking 2024-1-1 22:52
Here comes 2024, not just a year, but a portal bursting open! It's the echo of champagne flutes clinking against resolutions whispered under fireworks' golden rain, the final curtain on 2023's bittersweet stage. Time, that elusive thief, has gifted us with a fresh page, crisp and clean, begging to ...
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Shares 1 January
Sumingyu 2024-1-1 13:07
Videos aren’t what I need. Therefore I decide to read. I mustn’t go back too late Onsuch very special date. 2 January The sharp head of hatchet Became loose when I split. I drilled hole in the handle And fastened to the metal. 3 January Less desires make life happy. Ot ...
420 views|0 replies
Shares You Are the One
teadrinking 2023-12-27 20:22
In the vast expanse of your own existence, you are the undisputed monarch, the sovereign ruler of your kingdom of self. Unparalleled and irreplaceable, you stand as the sole architect of your destiny, the master of your fate. With unwavering determination, you chart your course, steering your vess ...
229 views|0 replies
Shares Simplicity of A Free Man
teadrinking 2023-12-26 20:40
As an individual, it is perfectly natural to make mistakes along the way. However, it is crucial to learn from those mistakes and ensure they do not recur. Each misstep should serve as a stepping stone to improvement, rather than a stumbling block that hinders progress. In parallel, infuse ...
193 views|0 replies
Shares Life is a Book of Adventure
teadrinking 2023-12-25 20:42
Life is a journey, a path paved with countless steps, each leading us closer to our destination, our ultimate purpose. Each step, each decision, shapes our trajectory, contributing to the mosaic of our existence. Some steps may be small, seemingly insignificant, while others may be pivotal, markin ...
295 views|0 replies
Shares Winter's Dominion
teadrinking 2023-12-24 21:16
As nature's icy grip tightens its hold upon the land, a stark reminder of the harsh realities of the winter season, only the resilient and resourceful shall emerge victorious from the depths of this unforgiving season. For in the face of nature's relentless power, we must learn to adapt to its dic ...
207 views|0 replies


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