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Shares My stock is down
tomlu6 2024-4-16 10:43
I'm feel helpless. Evil Stock market maker.
120 views|0 replies
Shares I had enough
freefu55 2024-4-16 10:11
I live for freedom, I don't compare myself with anyone else, for I have a dream.
128 views|0 replies
Shares my son is ill
tomlu6 2024-4-15 10:47
my son is verytreason。 He often alone live. He likes to play Phone game all night. I am helpless
115 views|0 replies
Shares Good morning!2024-Aprie-9
tomlu6 2024-4-9 08:26
Good morning! I wake up early today. I eat a bowl Changyu Noodle. when I drive my car to crossroad then i think own i hold onto. human beings are too pififul.
133 views|0 replies
Shares Power in Youth
teadrinking 2024-4-6 18:02
Youth is indeed a precious treasure, a gift that grants us the space to evolve and mature. Despite the inevitable mistakes, worries, setbacks, and failures we encounter, youth ensures we have the time to continually explore new paths until we eventually achieve greatness. Never underestimate your ...
162 views|0 replies
Shares Cool in the Bliss
teadrinking 2024-4-5 19:31
Every morning, I awaken to the gentle melody of raindrops dancing upon my windowpane, orchestrating a soothing lullaby that guides the world into the embrace of slumber. With the dawn, a radiant sun emerges from behind the clouds, casting its warm, golden glow upon the earth, infusing every corner ...
199 views|0 replies
Shares Recreation of Life
Dempsey 2024-4-5 17:16
Is it the only recreation of life Since whatever contains meaning Only when insouciantly done Like a dog calling in a distance And I can still know happiness Not inventing an apparent sound As I lust for less and for more Would it be life I needn’ t adorn
111 views|0 replies
Shares A Golden Time
teadrinking 2024-4-4 13:37
Springtime invites us to embark on leisurely hikes and nature walks, embracing the exhilarating resurgence of life all around us. They say that the seeds we sow in springtime determine the bounty of our harvests to come, making this season all the more pivotal. But amidst our pursuit of material p ...
117 views|0 replies
Shares Rebound in Spring
teadrinking 2024-4-2 18:43
During Qingming season, gentle rains softly fall. The spring showers not only nourish all life but also add a warm flow to this poetic time. Among the myriad competing flowers, lush greenery decorates every nook. The deep, resonant melody of spring thunder stirs the sleeping, reverberating throug ...
140 views|0 replies
Shares The Drizzle
Dempsey 2024-4-2 12:50
# The Drizzle The drizzle of last night Clouded up my window But rinsed is now the field Of my vision fully limpid The sky is still overcast But the sun sees it through That I am never in touch Of your heart rarely blue
102 views|0 replies


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