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Shares Great in 2024
teadrinking 2024-2-9 23:40
Happy Lunar New Year! May the Year of the Dragon roar with immense potential and fiery success! This year, marked by the powerful Dragon, promises to be a year of bold initiatives, groundbreaking achievements, and vibrant changes and opportunities. As the Dragon soars high, let's harness i ...
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Shares what if
lijuanandrea 2024-2-7 15:06
Is it ridiculousfor a middle-aged woman dreaming of living another kind of life? Thousands of questions hanging in my mind. What if I didn’t give up my first job when the child needs someone to take care? At least I must be abroad once and see a different world with my eyes and make my life wort ...
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Shares Holiday
lijuanandrea 2024-2-7 15:04
For most of people, going back to hometown during Spring Festival must be meaningful and significant. Any way you have no reason to give up the only chance that you can reunion with your family. No matter how far it is. For those who are working in the southern part or the ones working in the nor ...
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Shares Holiday plan
lijuanandrea 2024-2-7 14:57
A few days before the winter holiday, I was so excited, finally, holiday comes. I believe everybody expects holidays. After a year’s hard and tough work, and the bad health condition, I am counting the day. I have planned sever times in my mind how will I spend my holiday. ...
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Shares Snow in the Hope
teadrinking 2024-2-6 21:40
In the serene hush of winter's summoning, the snow delicately caresses the earth, bestowing upon it a pristine white cloak—a dazzling offering to herald the arrival of the lunar new year. As spring's awakening dawns, this celestial gift takes on a deeper significance, embodying the promise of ren ...
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Shares Confucius
ada23 2024-2-2 20:58
Confucius, it could be a man or it represents an ideology. It follows you step after you are born, in which you are taught what behaviour you should do, what mind is right or not. To be fair, when Confucius preached his lesson to his lots o ...
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Shares February
Sumingyu 2024-2-1 15:44
1 Yesterday death may appear. No festival couplets this year. I nevertell that news to son. Topics concerned I will shun. 2 The sun tells time as clock As long as no clouds block. With its help in new region, We can take right direction. 3 Dumplings eaten at festival. But I ’d &nbs ...
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Shares On the Way of Self Growth
teadrinking 2024-1-30 22:41
As we bid adieu to the departing year and embrace the dawn of a new era, we find ourselves standing in a pristine chamber of opportunity, ripe with the promise of challenge and renewal. This juncture symbolizes not just the passage of time, but a pivotal moment in our personal odyssey – a time to ...
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Shares Phoenix Rising
teadrinking 2024-1-28 19:37
When solitude becomes your companion, it heralds a sacred time for self-enrichment. In this solitary realm, you reign as the sole architect of your destiny, entrusted with the divine task of self-improvement. Admit and accept this solitude not as a burden, but as a sanctuary for growth. Am ...
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Shares Pulse of Life
teadrinking 2024-1-24 22:37
The dedication to regular exercise in a man's life becomes a profound reflection of nature's perpetual flow, akin to the ceaseless movement of water that resists stagnation, ensuring a continuous renewal of vitality. Conversely, the neglect of such commitment invites the metaphorical stench of sta ...
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