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Shares Training in Chongqing Normal University
Stroamer 2024-4-22 16:54
Training in Chongqing Normal University
May 31 to July 15,2008 From May 31 to June 30, CMK and I joined in the training of volunteer teachers of Chinese to Indonesia. Of all the 18 trainees, 9 were professional teachers (3 were from Fuling District). The others included 5 undergraduates, 4 graduates. The training contents ...
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Shares Spring Rainy Night
teadrinking 2024-4-21 20:41
Listening to the rain at night is truly a sublime experience, a bestowal of nature's finest elegance. Whenever the rain descends, it gracefully orchestrates a sense of tranquility, delicately enfolding me in its serene embrace. Each raindrop, like a celestial dancer, softly caresses the earth, as i ...
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Shares Cause
Stroamer 2024-4-20 09:58
March to May,2008 In March,2008,my school authority announced the document of Chongqing Foreign Affairs ’ No.9 , Chongqing Municipality Education Committee relayed by Fuling District Education Notice of Committee Chongqing Municipality Education Committee On ...
208 views|0 replies
Shares Journey to the South
Stroamer 2024-4-20 09:56
I will post a series of blogs on my journey to Indonesia for the teaching of Chinese to the local senior high school students. They were translations from my sina blogs in Chinese.
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Shares My stock is down
tomlu6 2024-4-16 10:43
I'm feel helpless. Evil Stock market maker.
119 views|0 replies
Shares I had enough
freefu55 2024-4-16 10:11
I live for freedom, I don't compare myself with anyone else, for I have a dream.
125 views|0 replies
Shares my son is ill
tomlu6 2024-4-15 10:47
my son is verytreason。 He often alone live. He likes to play Phone game all night. I am helpless
111 views|0 replies
Shares Good morning!2024-Aprie-9
tomlu6 2024-4-9 08:26
Good morning! I wake up early today. I eat a bowl Changyu Noodle. when I drive my car to crossroad then i think own i hold onto. human beings are too pififul.
131 views|0 replies
Shares Power in Youth
teadrinking 2024-4-6 18:02
Youth is indeed a precious treasure, a gift that grants us the space to evolve and mature. Despite the inevitable mistakes, worries, setbacks, and failures we encounter, youth ensures we have the time to continually explore new paths until we eventually achieve greatness. Never underestimate your ...
162 views|0 replies
Shares Cool in the Bliss
teadrinking 2024-4-5 19:31
Every morning, I awaken to the gentle melody of raindrops dancing upon my windowpane, orchestrating a soothing lullaby that guides the world into the embrace of slumber. With the dawn, a radiant sun emerges from behind the clouds, casting its warm, golden glow upon the earth, infusing every corner ...
196 views|0 replies


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