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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares June
Sumingyu 2024-6-1 10:49
1 All plants truly miss the sun, Which never seems to shun. Just vicious clouds between Keep them from being seen.
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Shares Brilliance in Passion
teadrinking 2024-5-27 19:38
Fueled by passion, we embark on our pursuits. Idleness wears down the body and saps the spirit, robbing us of vitality and purpose. Conversely, passion ignites an insatiable curiosity and the drive to explore uncharted territories. It acts as a powerful elixir, preserving our youthful energy and en ...
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Shares Dreams in the Pursuit
teadrinking 2024-5-24 21:20
When you have a dream, pursue it with relentless determination, no matter the potential consequences. Failing to act will only breed regret and disdain for the moments you let slip by. Take bold steps forward, and don’t fear making mistakes—they are essential for growth and discovery. Youth is a ...
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Shares Unearth the Beauty of Life
teadrinking 2024-5-23 21:27
The most beautiful things often reveal themselves unintentionally, yet we frequently overlook them or fail to truly understand their essence. This oversight stems from two primary causes: the limitations of our perception and our impatience in seeking so-called answers. In our haste, we often negl ...
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Shares Everyday, A New Adventure
teadrinking 2024-5-22 20:20
With every sunrise comes a fresh canvas, an invitation to paint the masterpiece of our lives. The passage of time whispers the reminder of life's fleeting nature, urging us to savor each moment. Our past, a kaleidoscope of memories, guides our steps forward rather than holding us back. Mem ...
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Shares Arise in the Sun
teadrinking 2024-5-21 21:45
Regardless of when or where, life has the potential to radiate brilliance. We don't yearn for ostentatious displays, but rather treasure our innermost thoughts and aspirations; we aren't constrained by our origins or social standing, but instead strive for our dreams and convictions. Along life's w ...
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Shares Visiting China Hanban
Stroamer 2024-5-21 16:56
Visiting China Hanban
Oct.18, 2008 The training is busy.In the morning , a bus took us to the Headquarters of Confucius Institute (China Hanban) for a visit.We saw many pictures, texts and multimedia about how Confucius Institute works in the world and about Chinese culture.And then we hadpic ...
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Shares Bestowing Respect upon Plant Life
teadrinking 2024-5-19 21:42
The resilience and vitality of plant life truly exemplify the awe-inspiring power of nature. Even in the harshest environments, plants flourish, demonstrating a remarkable ability to adapt and thrive. In comparison, humans often find ourselves struggling to keep pace with the sheer resilience of t ...
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Shares Fire in Growth
teadrinking 2024-5-18 21:20
The greatest obstacle we face is often ourselves, a storm cloud of doubt brewing in our hearts. It throws shade on our actions, tempting us to retreat from challenges. But within this struggle lies a profound beauty, like a wildflower pushing through the cracks in the pavement. Every conquered fear ...
91 views|0 replies
Shares Afforestation Campaign in Alxa, Inner Mongolia Advances Fruitfully
bulong_zai 2024-5-11 14:14
Alxa League, Inner Mongolia is implementing the Project of Controlling Desertification in the Western Inner Mongolia energetically, which is a part of the Three North s (Northwest, North and Northeast) Shelter P roject in China to fight agains ...
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