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Shares the fog envelops the city. The tall buildings are
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:20
Fog or suspended roof, lurking at the bottom of the valley. Sometimes rivers and forests flood deep into things. There is no magnificent radiance, there is no real sense of simplicity, but it engulfs the heavens and the earth in silence, obscures the sky and the sun, and conceals the stars and the m ...
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Shares I vaguely saw the cars and horses on the street
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:20
Fog or suspended roof, lurking at the bottom of the valley. Sometimes rivers and forests flood deep into things. There is no magnificent radiance, there is no real sense of simplicity, but it engulfs the heavens and the earth in silence, obscures the sky and the sun, and conceals the stars and the m ...
34 views|0 replies
Shares the mist, and people would also stop
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:20
Fog or suspended roof, lurking at the bottom of the valley. Sometimes rivers and forests flood deep into things. There is no magnificent radiance, there is no real sense of simplicity, but it engulfs the heavens and the earth in silence, obscures the sky and the sun, and conceals the stars and the m ...
30 views|0 replies
Shares However, layer by layer of mist envelops our
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:20
Fog or suspended roof, lurking at the bottom of the valley. Sometimes rivers and forests flood deep into things. There is no magnificent radiance, there is no real sense of simplicity, but it engulfs the heavens and the earth in silence, obscures the sky and the sun, and conceals the stars and the m ...
32 views|0 replies
Shares dizzy and losing my sense of reality
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:20
Mist filled the air, like soft smoke. As the wind passed, the mist obscured the dim lights and slowly sank, like a light rain. Touching the skin made people feel a slight chill. My field of vision is strictly restricted, and my gaze cannot pass through this thick fog. I see the light in the distance ...
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Shares I saw the light spreading into circles of halos amidst
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:20
Mist filled the air, like soft smoke. As the wind passed, the mist obscured the dim lights and slowly sank, like a light rain. Touching the skin made people feel a slight chill. My field of vision is strictly restricted, and my gaze cannot pass through this thick fog. I see the light in the distance ...
23 views|0 replies
Shares skin like a dolphin jumping out of the sea
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:20
Mist filled the air, like soft smoke. As the wind passed, the mist obscured the dim lights and slowly sank, like a light rain. Touching the skin made people feel a slight chill. My field of vision is strictly restricted, and my gaze cannot pass through this thick fog. I see the light in the distance ...
21 views|0 replies
Shares out of the surface of my skin like a dolphin jumping
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:19
Mist filled the air, like soft smoke. As the wind passed, the mist obscured the dim lights and slowly sank, like a light rain. Touching the skin made people feel a slight chill. My field of vision is strictly restricted, and my gaze cannot pass through this thick fog. I see the light in the distance ...
22 views|0 replies
Shares eyes, but I still stepped on the meteor
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:19
Mist filled the air, like soft smoke. As the wind passed, the mist obscured the dim lights and slowly sank, like a light rain. Touching the skin made people feel a slight chill. My field of vision is strictly restricted, and my gaze cannot pass through this thick fog. I see the light in the distance ...
22 views|0 replies
Shares Let time flow slowly in such trivialities
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:19
The warm sun enters the window, and the aroma of tea is slow. I like to take a pen and copy some articles on spiritual cultivation in front of a gentle table, bathe my soul, and talk about greed. Occasionally, I would turn my head to deliberately see my son, who is working hard to complete his ho ...
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