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Shares 2023-08-17
Dempsey 2023-8-17 20:55
When hope is lost, it is lost where it used to be; if you want it again, for greater chance you have to seek somewhere else. If you are crossed in love, love another one; if you pursue but never have, shift your target. The prerequisite of being a strong man is not dreading tha ...
124 views|0 replies
Shares Awakening in the Normal
teadrinking 2023-8-17 09:06
Not all endeavors bestow the laurels of success, nor does every earnest effort guarantee the coveted currency of trust. Yet, to languish within the alluring grip of idleness, yielding to the siren call of neglect, is to cultivate a desolate landscape bereft of accomplishment—a wasteland where bou ...
159 views|0 replies
Shares Breaking Chains & Forging Paths
teadrinking 2023-8-14 23:14
Within the unflagging drive towards ideals and achievement, the notion of shortcuts is but an illusion, and the notion of overnight success, a mirage. Behind the façade of seemingly serendipitous victories lies an intricate montage woven with ceaseless effort and tenacity. This presents an unfilt ...
144 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-08-14
Dempsey 2023-8-14 15:34
Such defective traits—always finding faults with myself and being anxious for consummation—are precisely those of an ascetic of writing. For this kind of work, these traits are leading me to a deserving direction. But for my comfort of life, they would have an adverse effect. ...
136 views|0 replies
Shares everything keeps people busy,
叩_81O6407__ 2023-8-14 15:02
To tell is to know that the joys and sorrows between people are not interconnected, and to tell others will only increase troubles and not reduce any pain. Instead, it is better to bear it alone. If you just complain to people like Sister Xianglin, you will only become a laughing stock of others ...
1464 views|0 replies
Shares Reverie in the Summer Pumpkin Patch
teadrinking 2023-8-12 22:20
In the scorching embrace of an unforgiving summer sun, the pumpkin leaves wilt with a weary sigh, as though surrendering their vitality to the relentless heat. It's easy to be deceived into believing their demise is imminent, that their once-lush greenery will soon fade into oblivion. However, as ...
891 views|0 replies
Shares Greeting the Waves of Growth
teadrinking 2023-8-11 22:03
Life's journey of growth is akin to an ever-rolling canvas, painting ceaseless landscapes that mirror the inner maze of intricacies and meanderings. Along this boundless path, a gradual serenity often warps around us after bidding adieu to our most cherished treasures. Not a static calmness, but a ...
83 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-08-10
Dempsey 2023-8-10 14:41
There are people who are working hard, but are unable to match people working to their fullest. Though sometimes the best of oneself can be his limitation, it should be persisted in not to regret. If you make intentional plans to show others your endeavour, there will co ...
116 views|0 replies
Shares Minimalism
teadrinking 2023-8-9 23:57
In today's bustling world, it's all too easy to become entangled in the web of trivialities, dispersing our focus and preventing us from concentrating on the things that truly matter. Enter "minimalism," a philosophical concept that advocates for the art of discernment – the ability to choose and ...
118 views|0 replies
Shares 9 August
Sumingyu 2023-8-9 19:05
Now crops could enjoy sunlight. This had long been out of sight. Pests come in the weather wet. Then I have to sleep under net. 16 August So many worms out of sight Sing tirelessly day and night. But this gives me no delight. Sky here gains great height. 17 August The station had been pulle ...
112 views|0 replies


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