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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares 7 June
Sumingyu 2023-6-7 12:38
We try to avoid sun in summer. That's welcomed in cold winter. Now all'd like to loiter in shade, But long for when its rays fade. 8 June They assumed to have reaped love, When successfully fooled somehow. These victims trusted what he said. None could realize he had just lied. 9 June ...
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Shares Independent thinking and high-quality reading
teadrinking 2023-6-4 23:25
In the era of information explosion, independent thinking and high-quality reading have become crucial for nurturing self-replication, repair, and maturity. However, we also face the challenges of information redundancy and algorithmic filtering, which cause each individual to perceive the world d ...
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Shares 2 Ju
Sumingyu 2023-6-2 12:41
Night rain gave me glad surprise. And luckily God opened his eyes. No shower forecast in the report. At least I needn't water this plot. 5 June As I was to retire for the night, A bright moon came into sight. Her face was round and yellow, Shining in through the window. 6 June Puddings are ...
229 views|0 replies
Shares Telecom fraud experience---2 after being clear
Sophia.JIANG 2023-6-1 06:49
These are some self review, and the former blog is to record the whole experience of how I was cheated in case someday I need the details. Actually to recall is painful because I think I was nocticed by some unreasonable details at once but was forced to forget at that time when I was facing the pro ...
238 views|1 replies
Shares Telecom fraud experience---A diary for future self review
Sophia.JIANG 2023-6-1 06:10
This is a narrative story. Yesterday morning at about 11:00 when I was at lab work. I got a phone call from the Chinese police in my home town as the person said. And on the phone they accused me on being involved in a finantial related crime that use a bank account in my name and ID number to ke ...
221 views|0 replies
Shares Salvation from Endurance & Hope from Persistence
teadrinking 2023-5-31 21:29
Ernest Hemingway's timeless novella, The Old Man and the Sea, outshines its narrative boundaries to explore profound themes of human endurance and the indomitable spirit of hope. At its core, the story follows the extraordinary journey of Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who has endured an unpre ...
275 views|0 replies
Shares Harmony Amidst the Plum Rains
teadrinking 2023-5-30 19:55
In the season of plum rains, the sky in the Jiangnan region seems enveloped in a layer of mist as low-hanging clouds dominate the horizon. The air is damp and carries a faint floral fragrance, while fruit vendors on every street enthusiastically promote fresh yangmei, heralding the arrival of the ...
206 views|0 replies
Shares Revelations in Growing Up
teadrinking 2023-5-29 19:46
As we age like fine wine (or maybe more like cheese), we stumble upon some enlightening principles and attitudes. So, here I am, pondering over some random thoughts, ready to share my "Eureka!" moments with you, my esteemed audience. First things first, let's ditch the blind optimism train ...
185 views|0 replies
Shares 29 May
Sumingyu 2023-5-29 10:29
Our green beans grow very fast. Today widely different from last. Frames are put up for the vines Along the parallel planting lines. 30 May Each day I silently come and go, Without greeting anyone I know. I always stay alone in this room, At times disturbed by the boom. 31 May When one's tu ...
303 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Striking a Balance Between Communication and Respect When Values Clash
teadrinking 2023-5-28 20:35
In our lives, we often encounter individuals whose values and perspectives differ radically from our own. Whether within our families, friendships, or social circles, it is inevitable that we will come across individuals who hold contrasting viewpoints and values. When faced with such situations, ...
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