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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares Maturation of the Mind
teadrinking 2023-6-28 21:06
The maturation of the mind encompasses emotional, cognitive, and behavioral growth and is not simply tethered to age. While some individuals may appear to have reached a certain age, they still lack the wisdom and finesse in navigating life, emanating an aura of immaturity. However, age alone cann ...
306 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares 26 June
Sumingyu 2023-6-26 10:48
We're suffering from days so hot; Cooled off at the nighttime short. I start to suspend the use of pot. Vegetables grow well in tiny plot. 27 June A draft came as I opened door, That room was stuffy no more. I use the curtain to block light, When I sense there too bright. 28 June At dus ...
132 views|0 replies
Shares The Milestones of Adulthood
teadrinking 2023-6-25 20:44
Transitioning into adulthood involves significant milestones that shape our journey towards maturity and personal growth. One such milestone is the ability to refuse, liberating us from the compulsion to always say yes. Adults learn to consider their capacity to help and accept requests within the ...
265 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-06-25
Dempsey 2023-6-25 19:00
There is no one in the world who stands by you closer than father and mother. When they think of you, it’s like that your life is bonded to theirs. Whatever happens, your father and mother protect and rear you while if your life is done with theirs, you lose the greatest love in the universe. ...
179 views|0 replies
Shares Recognition
ada23 2023-6-24 14:40
Recognition, is hard to describe, not to mention it sometimes tangles with emotion. Go figure, we judge something more or less with emotion, we would much easilytolerate some bad things when it comes from friendly motive or a friendly person you get alon ...
215 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-06-23
Dempsey 2023-6-23 17:16
Reading introduces science to know nature, philosophy to know truth and entertainment to know cheer, from any of them we benefit. Reading is a temptation for me, except the experience when I am put in undue profession, obscurity and naivety. We do not stress the importance of na ...
97 views|0 replies
Shares 20 June
Sumingyu 2023-6-20 10:55
Starting off caught in downpour, I could pursue journey no more. Moving into greenhouse nearby, Favour of rain how could I deny? 21 June I've got new phone from son That can replace the old one. There is more room as store, Which is what longed before. 25 June Summer vacation is not far aw ...
246 views|0 replies
Shares the opposite point
ada23 2023-6-19 22:01
If you fall in an emotion, you would be haunted by invisble strings from self-made subconscious, so you keep falling in the trap you designed for yourself with most darkest combination. Actually, you should control rationality over emotion. In general, emotion ...
208 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-06-19
Dempsey 2023-6-19 17:33
To tell somebody has grown, we see that he prefers no extravagant hopes; to tell he is young, having not abandoned ambition. Life is fair with everyone, who is rich or poor, healthy or ill, or what is called the happy or unhappy. Life keeps the account of a person by unique exper ...
143 views|0 replies
Shares The Art of Strategic Retreat
teadrinking 2023-6-18 22:42
In the midst of life's myriad choices and temptations, there are times when surrendering becomes a choice in itself. We often find ourselves caught up in the belief that there are endless paths to tread and unceasing goals to achieve. This entanglement leads us astray, causing us to forget that am ...
172 views|0 replies


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