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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares 29 May
Sumingyu 2023-5-29 10:29
Our green beans grow very fast. Today widely different from last. Frames are put up for the vines Along the parallel planting lines. 30 May Each day I silently come and go, Without greeting anyone I know. I always stay alone in this room, At times disturbed by the boom. 31 May When one's tu ...
290 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Striking a Balance Between Communication and Respect When Values Clash
teadrinking 2023-5-28 20:35
In our lives, we often encounter individuals whose values and perspectives differ radically from our own. Whether within our families, friendships, or social circles, it is inevitable that we will come across individuals who hold contrasting viewpoints and values. When faced with such situations, ...
306 views|0 replies
Shares What will you do in the last day of life?
Sophia.JIANG 2023-5-26 05:50
This is just a hypothesis, a thinking practice, image you are not ill, and the ends of life is something unevitable like like an planet crash. This is an old middle school writting title and always ends up with a lot of beautiful words and optimistic attitudes. If you google it you will get beaut ...
290 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares The Artistry of Relationships: Painting Life's Canvas
teadrinking 2023-5-25 21:10
As social beings, our lives are intricately woven into the fabric of the relationships we cultivate. The impact of our social circle extends beyond mere companionship, permeating our thoughts, emotions, and actions. The significance of choosing our company wisely cannot be overstated. Scie ...
372 views|4 replies Hot 2
Shares 24 May
Sumingyu 2023-5-24 12:44
Orchids in bloom could be found, And guarded by bayonets round. By their leaves extremely sound Rice-puddings are fixedly bound. 25 May Phone's face hit against ground. The damage made me astound. Those cracks left in this screen Can remind of the awful scene. 26 May So wild wind in summer ...
175 views|0 replies
Shares Endeavor without complaint
teadrinking 2023-5-24 11:20
In a world brimming with both opportunities and challenges, the pursuit of success proves to be an arduous endeavor, requiring relentless effort and unyielding determination. One often encounters the allure of shortcuts and clandestine secrets, promising an effortless realization of dreams. Alas, ...
398 views|3 replies Hot 1
Shares Whispers of Rain
teadrinking 2023-5-22 20:39
The arrival of the rainy season always fills us with anticipation. Amidst the misty drizzle, the downpour cleanses the earth, washing away the dust and purifying our souls. After a long absence, the rainwater brings a tranquil peace that envelops the surroundings. As raindrops gently tap against t ...
180 views|0 replies
Shares Inner peace from the tranquility of nature
teadrinking 2023-5-19 20:59
I embarked upon a contemplative journey, meandering along the shaded trail, where luxuriant foliage unfurled before my eyes and the harmonious melodies of avian choristers graced my ears. The mellifluous murmur of a winding brook accompanied me, as if divulging ancient enigmas of serenity. In this ...
256 views|0 replies
Shares 19 May
Sumingyu 2023-5-19 12:04
For dear seedlings at backyard, I softened the crust quite hard. The ants there I couldn't abide, Soon spraying a little pesticide. 22 May Seedlings after a muddy rain Were left with a coat of stain. I sprayed a little water clean To restore their leaves green. 23 May We're required to stud ...
231 views|0 replies
Shares Pondering the Interwoven Threads of Life
teadrinking 2023-5-18 22:06
In the sophisticated fabric of life, it behooves one to pause and engage in deep introspection, unraveling the experiences that have shaped their journey. Each strand interlaces gains and losses, successes and setbacks, forming a narrative that bestows upon us invaluable insights and nourishes the ...
189 views|0 replies


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