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Shares Arise in the Sun
teadrinking 2024-5-21 21:45
Regardless of when or where, life has the potential to radiate brilliance. We don't yearn for ostentatious displays, but rather treasure our innermost thoughts and aspirations; we aren't constrained by our origins or social standing, but instead strive for our dreams and convictions. Along life's w ...
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Shares Visiting China Hanban
Stroamer 2024-5-21 16:56
Visiting China Hanban
Oct.18, 2008 The training is busy.In the morning , a bus took us to the Headquarters of Confucius Institute (China Hanban) for a visit.We saw many pictures, texts and multimedia about how Confucius Institute works in the world and about Chinese culture.And then we hadpic ...
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Shares Bestowing Respect upon Plant Life
teadrinking 2024-5-19 21:42
The resilience and vitality of plant life truly exemplify the awe-inspiring power of nature. Even in the harshest environments, plants flourish, demonstrating a remarkable ability to adapt and thrive. In comparison, humans often find ourselves struggling to keep pace with the sheer resilience of t ...
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Shares Fire in Growth
teadrinking 2024-5-18 21:20
The greatest obstacle we face is often ourselves, a storm cloud of doubt brewing in our hearts. It throws shade on our actions, tempting us to retreat from challenges. But within this struggle lies a profound beauty, like a wildflower pushing through the cracks in the pavement. Every conquered fear ...
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Shares Afforestation Campaign in Alxa, Inner Mongolia Advances Fruitfully
bulong_zai 2024-5-11 14:14
Alxa League, Inner Mongolia is implementing the Project of Controlling Desertification in the Western Inner Mongolia energetically, which is a part of the Three North s (Northwest, North and Northeast) Shelter P roject in China to fight agains ...
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Shares China and France Sign Cooperation Agreement on Natural Conservation
bulong_zai 2024-5-11 11:09
T he State Forestry and Grassland Administration of China ( the National Park Administration) and the French Biodiversity Agency reached the C ooperation A greement on the C ooperation in the F ield of N ature C onservation. According to t ...
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Shares How to be a good man in the ture world?
davidjuyong 2024-5-10 15:55
Hello. Everyone! How do you do! It is a long period , we have not written something here. I miss you so much. due to ,there are many things happened during this period. please tell me how to be a good man.
205 views|0 replies
Shares To Beijing for Training
Stroamer 2024-5-8 11:46
Oct.17, 2008 S chool asked Armed Police, Fuling Branch for a car to send CMK and me to Jiangbei Airport on Oct.17. My wife accompanied me to Chongqing. O ur daughter came to her grandma ’ s home to have dinner together. W e finished dinner before 6 p.m. and got ready to l ...
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Shares Why did not Japan Bear War Responsibilities as Germany?
bulong_zai 2024-5-4 14:56
I once learned Japanese and German, and I also have been to Japan and Germany, so I can say I know a little more about the two countries than my common Chinese fellows . From newspapers and TV, I know that German governme ...
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Shares Notice Finally Came
Stroamer 2024-5-3 16:00
Oct.14, 2008 I got the notice from CQNU to send my bank account to them, but they didn ’ t tell me when to leave. I only heard from other volunteers we would leave for Beijing on Oct.17. I didn ’ t believe because they di ...
263 views|0 replies


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