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wangjide01: Try to have a different life. Beginning with the work in my hand.
2019-1-7 19:38 Reply|
wangjide01: It's the end of 2018, I hope I'll have a further development in the new year.  
2018-12-28 23:59 Reply|
wangjide01: The English speech contest passed smoothly. The perfermance is better than my exoect. The result isn't important any more. I can have a good sleep tonight.
  • admin: Congratulations! (12-25 19:52)
  • wangjide01: Thank you very much (12-28 01:41)
2018-12-25 18:27 Reply|
wangjide01: Preparing for my English speech competition of next week, It's a big challenge to me.
2018-12-19 14:35 Reply|
wangjide01: Jack left and went back to brazil this afternoon. He is the first foreign friend of mine, although we communicated in Chinese. He's a funny man.Hope to see him again in the near future.
2018-12-19 14:33 Reply|
wangjide01: It's a hard thing to take care two children. All of my families are tried, hope the little baby grow up quickly.
2018-12-10 09:11 Reply|
wangjide01: Got my driver license finally. Preparing to buy a car, although I don't sure if it's the advantanges overweight or lessweight than the disadvantage.
2018-12-10 09:07 Reply|
johnsonwu: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/politics/a25412038/george-w-bush-eulogy-for-father-george-hw-bush-full-transcript/. Click it and listen to the Bush's Eulogy for his father.
  • johnsonwu: sorry, just read the transcript. (12-8 21:09)
2018-12-8 21:05 Reply|
wangjide01: Began to talk in wechat with my wife in English half a month ago. It's a good way to practice our writting english. And it's more easy to say some words which is seldom in daily life.  
2018-12-7 16:33 Reply|
wangjide01: Why is that difficult to upload picture in the blog now。  
  • johnsonwu: The failure has been pending for a long time (12-8 23:29)
2018-12-4 19:51 Reply|
Peter_zhang: long time to see...
2018-12-1 11:13 Reply|
simplelin: Work your life and keep your work out of your life.
2018-11-16 16:32 Reply|
wangjide01: Be calmful.  Just do myself.
2018-11-15 11:56 Reply|
wangjide01: Hope I will pass in the next friday's driver license exam, I don't want to wast any time on that any more.
2018-11-15 11:55 Reply|
wangjide01: havn't used the software of Pro/E to draw a 3D drawing for more than 4 years. I even forgot how to use it. I am trying to practice it form the fist step in order to familiar with that again.
2018-11-15 11:52 Reply|
littlegrass: The world is so large, but I'm living so well and happily. It is so big a wonder! My dear friends, I'm really missing you all, and I'm gratefully hoping you're all living as well as me!!
2018-11-13 15:31 Reply|
DavidKing: I Love You All Very Much!
2018-11-11 23:09 Reply|
wo4chenkewen:      , everything will go over, over and over.
2018-11-11 21:50 Reply|
wangjide01: I was so tired and sleepy today, and I don't know what cause the condition.
2018-11-5 13:43 Reply|
wangjide01: Spend 2 hours to clean the lab and put samples in order with my colleague. It's a happy to do something together with my colleagues.
2018-10-31 16:43 Reply|


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