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jpliu: Priority doesn’t mean one automatically has the right before others.A girl stood by at zebra crossing in front of her school waiting for the road to be clear.No cars passing by stopped to give way.
2024-9-25 10:04 Reply|
jpliu: Things packed up in boxes were moved away with a few small things left in the room.It is these trashes that cost wife a whole day to have a 2nd look. Result: many were saved from being trashed.
2024-9-23 20:24 Reply|
jpliu: She said:“I’d pick it out on seeing soup leaking.” (Zhang’s steamed soup dumpling shop is popular in the street for decades though they don’t have roadside house of their own.)
2024-9-21 04:07 Reply|
jpliu: “I am fine.”Ms D answered casually.In a fast changing area,those that stay put deserves a 2nd look.I regularly passby HT hill for a look at her 2-storey house on the slope still there in past decade ...
2024-9-18 22:10 Reply|
jpliu: Last Supper of Ognissanti,of San Salvi,of Santa Appoloni…which I’d not hear of if not my room will be emptied for repair.A book is not read unless it’s borrowed or will be discarded as is my case. ...
2024-9-15 21:41 Reply|
jpliu: “See this house!”A woman of HGC temporary settlement sighed. Its Residential-index is 4.1 on Amap compared with an index of 4.3 for my neighborhood. Credible maybe, you don’t have to believe it.
2024-9-12 11:19 Reply|
jpliu: Weather forecasted 90% rain when I stepped outdoor.I was back an hour later with a forecast of an overcast.“It will rain for sure.”Dr.Zhu said sitting on the bench at doorstep after his breakfast.
2024-9-11 07:26 Reply|
jpliu: Nobody knows where to repair a bike of a flat tyre(A man inflating tyre:Perhaps to a shop for a change)till I saw a repairman busy on a roadside.He pointed the gate across the rd:My tel no on the wall
2024-9-10 10:02 Reply|
jpliu: A lady queuing in front of me paid 10 Yuan for 4 (50 grams) pan-fried buns at the window.“Isn’t it 8.8 Yuan? ”I asked, a bit puzzled. The cook said:“Then you have to pay inside (the restaurant).” ...
2024-9-9 09:08 Reply|
jpliu: The neighborhood management, sunk underground with steps up & down,is quiet all year round compared with the community service centre above ground which is  hustle & bustle with people, old & young. ...
2024-9-5 09:34 Reply|
jpliu: His meatburger popular,Mr S always gives me a Shaobing free.Even I pay it he gives me another one:“I don’t lack money”Today I paid after he wrapped up.Grateful,he:“The stall is my living expense” ...
2024-9-4 08:23 Reply|
jpliu: The old man:“He bought(house)soon after new year last year.over 7000 Yuan ㎡,It dropped to 5500yuan by the end of year,well over 100,000yuan lost.”Things are a bit complicated, not declining,I think ...
2024-9-2 09:49 Reply|
jpliu: Open only a few months,the man diversifies from flapjacks & steamed rice rolls to fried pancakes & grilled sausages, in his words,“People don’t wait, after school students are hurried by adults. ” ...
2024-9-1 08:20 Reply|
jpliu: Once outdoors,the boy hands out begging for biscuits & crackers.Give him bit by bit he asks for more & more till I give all out.Give him a piece he eats bit by bit for a time with some left in packet ...
2024-8-30 18:25 Reply|
IMNONARCISSUS: Why did two of my blogs disappear? Strange !
2024-8-30 16:04 Reply|
jpliu: I haven’t seen any community clocks moving yet.And that strikes me as odd when I saw this morning 3 wall clocks hung on the columns of the outdoor leisure corridor in an open community with 2 working ...
2024-8-29 12:26 Reply|
jpliu: Ms He is an hourly domestic servant, in her 40s & illiterate.Yet she has many practical tips for daily life.Her tip today:A soap is durable if put in the sun for some time.“Once for all,”she said ...
2024-8-28 09:45 Reply|
jpliu: In English I use“come across”,not“come upon”,a phrase I came across in fact at English entrance exam 46 years ago,a phrase I didn’t know its meaning at the time hence affected the overall result. ...
2024-8-27 09:07 Reply|
jpliu: Traffic lights on & off scientifically. I don’t have to rush at sight of red light or slow down on seeing light green. In daytime. Night & dawn is the opposite-green light shifts to red in 30 seconds ...
2024-8-24 07:15 Reply|
jpliu: Filling the vessel with water for a bath,the feeder:“See who takes the lead.” The water-unfriendly pigeons stayed on the edge till one jumped in followed by others jamming the vessel to the full.
2024-8-22 10:45 Reply|


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