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s300679: this  is the most dangerous perpetrators nowadays that will be punished one day
2022-1-12 14:32 Reply|
s300679: A big fire ripped through the old building .its a mess.
2022-1-12 10:54 Reply|
s300679: the pandemics are worsening in the city of Anyang . Its a pivotal moment for  people there. they need help.
2022-1-12 10:47 Reply|
s300679: Luck plays a pivotal role in the success. what do you think?
2022-1-12 10:45 Reply|
s300679: more often than not he was drunk when I met him
2022-1-11 23:46 Reply|
s300679: excile abroad has expressed fear of a slide back to culuture revolution in current china
2022-1-11 23:35 Reply|
s300679: the dove is the emblem of peace
2022-1-11 23:21 Reply|
s300679: I will never forget the scene of my father's lying in state five years ago
2022-1-11 23:19 Reply|
s300679: This party played a central role in china until CPC grab power in 1949
2022-1-11 23:06 Reply|
2amlittle: miss the old friends in Dio. It seems that I hadn't log in Dio for one year hope that you will be more hard work in 2022, fighting!
  • davidjuyong: How about you? I am just so so ! The personal economic condition is not ever well during the pandemic period. (11-4 15:08)
  • 2amlittle: me too~just so so (11-10 11:02)
2022-1-11 00:09 Reply|
s300679: fraternal love refer to his own brothers in narrow sense
2022-1-10 19:00 Reply|
s300679: Construction laws are often flouted in some local areas, even man saw some sewage drains were concreted for parking lots
2022-1-10 18:55 Reply|
s300679: there are mounting wholesales and retails companies in this industrial and trading estate which was established around 8 years ago.
2022-1-10 18:49 Reply|
s300679: chang'an is the main  east-west thoroughfare in beijing . wangfujing is the renowned street for shopping
2022-1-10 18:40 Reply|
s300679: New laws on expropriation of land will do good to some mining companies who have good relationship with local government but will do damage to those landowners . what do they live by after loss of it?
2022-1-10 18:35 Reply|
s300679: Authority's restriction on pandemics posed a particularly staff choice between stay or returning to home town for festival . Is it a alternative to spend this festival with my net friend?
2022-1-10 18:05 Reply|
s300679: china's biggest festival, spring festive, is setting in along with harsh winter setting in . after a few minnutes of calculation I have made up my mind to stay in the metro city . why not?
2022-1-10 17:51 Reply|
s300679: It's 7p.m. The news said residents in beijing are highly recommended to stay in beijing due to the outbreak of highly transmissable omicron strain in Tianjin 50 km away from capital beijing. then?
2022-1-10 17:44 Reply|
teadrinking: Winter
2021-11-11 13:16 Reply|
teadrinking: National Day
2021-10-1 22:33 Reply|


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