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teadrinking: Cooler.
2021-8-15 20:02 Reply|
littbird: i come back here  
2021-4-29 18:32 Reply|
Candy.liu: How time flies. i don't have other better words to speak out my feeling.
2021-4-10 21:33 Reply|
kevin2012: Hi, March! Long time no see! I am back!
2021-3-1 14:55 Reply|
teadrinking: Weekend again, have a good time.
2021-2-20 23:30 Reply|
empty~empty: Buy new clothes foy my children preparing for the  spring festival .
2021-2-6 23:52 Reply|
empty~empty: I decide to make friends here again ,is there someone who want to write English and speak English with me ?
  • teadrinking: Keep writing, you can make some friends who have the same idea as you do. I am here to write as long as I am available. (2-20 23:26)
2021-2-5 12:21 Reply|
Aaron_Fdream: Long time no see
2021-1-31 00:03 Reply|
johnsonwu: The enthusiasm has drained away from my heart and my face as well as my fingers. Even the rhythmed tapping on the keyboard is growing unbearable. In my mind, it sounds like a drum to urge me to leave  ...
2021-1-4 23:58 Reply|
loong: I am back again.
2020-12-29 12:06 Reply|
teadrinking: Never think that you can not, actually you can do it well.
2020-12-22 22:59 Reply|
teadrinking: Warm sun in the Sunday afternoon.
2020-12-20 14:16 Reply|
teadrinking: All of gingko leaves are turning into yellow, few days later they all load down upon the ground.
2020-12-10 18:44 Reply|
s300679: say hello to everyone I'm back again
2020-12-8 13:37 Reply|
teadrinking: Do it anyway, never wait for it too long.
2020-12-6 21:00 Reply|
teadrinking: The sun came out for no more than an hour in the afternoon, then it was covered by clouds.
2020-12-4 16:44 Reply|
teadrinking: Getting colder. Winter shares its chill, but it never scares me.
2020-12-3 21:34 Reply|
teadrinking: December
2020-12-1 10:21 Reply|
teadrinking: Study harder.
2020-11-22 23:37 Reply|
teadrinking: Sunday, the God's day.
2020-11-22 13:58 Reply|


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