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Guoxiao: Practice makes perfect!
2020-11-13 20:44 Reply|
teadrinking: Monday
2020-11-9 14:54 Reply|
teadrinking: Election 2020 comes to the end, we, ordinary people, it is the time to go home and wash up to continue live again.
2020-11-8 11:40 Reply|
teadrinking: Sunday is sunny.
2020-10-25 14:58 Reply|
teadrinking: More like the autumn, nice moment to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
2020-10-24 21:37 Reply|
teadrinking: No one can always help you but yourself. Do not deeply rely on others since they cannot always be with you. You are the only one who can arrive at the end of the journey.
2020-10-21 08:50 Reply|
teadrinking: Best of the best.
2020-10-20 12:38 Reply|
teadrinking: Friday
2020-10-16 12:18 Reply|
kuin: Start a new life.
2020-7-22 09:43 Reply|
Aurasolar: Read a book on early education Based Montessori's theory, babies aged 2 are instinctively orgainzed. They would put back a bowl that is not in the right place. But why don't I do the chores each day?[ ...
2020-5-29 17:55 Reply|
harryliu: I am fat now, but i can't forget to eat delicious food. I try to exercise very hard. But it is not wroking for lose weight. Specially for Cvoid-19 in China, we have a long time at home. Become fatter.
2020-4-27 10:47 Reply|
TUCHTHESKY: Life is old there older than the trees. Younger than the mountains blowing like a breeze!
2020-4-23 16:29 Reply|
harryliu: I like cigar, wine, wiskey, and golf. Never change.
2020-4-20 13:44 Reply|
Doer-LY: Be all you can be!
2020-3-5 16:35 Reply|
lijuanandrea: luckly, i've got my account back. I  have no idea that  I  have forgoten my username and password for how many times. the bad news is that i have forgoten the spelling of many basic words.
2020-2-20 23:06 Reply|
Candy.liu: How long the holiday is! I really want to go working. And i worry about that if no work, maybe no income.
2020-2-17 18:24 Reply|
IMNONARCISSUS: Again, I want to know why I can not upload my pictures? Who know why?
2020-2-15 20:27 Reply|
IMNONARCISSUS: Who is still here?  who has left here? and who newly came here?
2020-2-15 18:53 Reply|
2020-1-28 14:59 Reply|
2020-1-28 14:59 Reply|


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