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Shares Friday
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-21 22:02
I love Jay's songs. It was not so happy to think hardaboutwhat to listen when I had nothing to do on the Internet. Then, listening to Jay's songs was so greatful. The feeling is like listening to an old friend.
267 views|0 replies
Shares Thursday
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-21 21:57
I went out to look for houses being rent. And luckily, I found a cheap one. I was so glad because I would be independent.
Individual Classification: Happy Pen|309 views|2 replies
Shares Wednesday
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-21 21:51
In the evening, I asked Vita for leave because I caught a bad cough. It was so painful to cough with all organs.
Individual Classification: Happy Pen|335 views|2 replies
Shares Tuesday
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-17 19:56
It was sunny today. Golden sunshine! So beautiful.
Individual Classification: Happy Pen|271 views|0 replies
Shares Monday
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-17 19:53
It snowed. Wuhan was in white. So beautiful!
Individual Classification: Happy Pen|368 views|0 replies
Shares Sunday
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-15 22:03
It finally snowed in the evening. Because it was really cold, I didn't go out to welcome Mr. Winter. The news said it is snowing more heavily tomorrow. Bad news!! I must be a dull lady. Hillary went back to Beijing yesterday, but I just felt I missed her today.
Individual Classification: Happy Pen|332 views|0 replies
Shares Saturday
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-15 21:57
It was my first time to spend more half and anhours to get back home!!! Terrible traffic jam!! I didn't understand why the jam appeared in such a common day. Was it because taday was Saturday?
Individual Classification: Happy Pen|276 views|0 replies
Shares Hurry Evening
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-13 21:46
I went to buy shoes for the coming snowy day in the evening. It was so hurried. And a lot of people were buying shoes in the district.
Individual Classification: Happy Pen|301 views|1 replies
Shares Shopping in 2
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-12 22:02
Today, the temperature was said tobe only 2!! And in the evening, after the work, Hillary and I went shopping!! Shopping in 2! It was fun! Hillary treated me a big meal. I like her.
Individual Classification: Happy Pen|353 views|8 replies
Shares Is Winter Coming?
Dianechenqiao 2009-11-11 20:39
The lowest temperature today was 4.5 degree in the morning, and I guess the highest temperature would not be above 8 degree. Rainy and cold. I always have nogood ideas to get warm in winters and it's really embarrased for me to stay with Mr. Winter.
Individual Classification: Happy Pen|390 views|9 replies


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