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Shares Above Me
yvonneandmandy 2017-5-28 22:38
When the first time i found the DIO ENGLISH, I was excited and energetic that i found a place to write english to improve my english since english is seldom used in my work and daily life. I had insist on for some time. But i did not update the new blog for a long time. and i did not found any impro ...
699 views|3 replies Hot 3
Shares about settling
yvonneandmandy 2017-3-11 20:54
Those days i have great trouble. I want to have my own house. But i do not know where shall i buy the house.Since i am from anhui but my husband is from sichuan and we worked in wenzhou city, zhejiang province. And we do not have the ability to buy the house in zhejiang. Also we do not have two many ...
464 views|0 replies
Shares about laziless
yvonneandmandy 2017-2-23 20:13
I accidently meet with Baby playing english, After one week study, I find the mother in the group are so energetic and passinate. Even some of them with poor english they can speak and sing with simple children english song, But some mothers with excellent english or spoken english. Most of them ar ...
618 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares weekend parents
yvonneandmandy 2017-2-20 20:54
I did not watch TV for a long time. Yesterday. I want to watch some and try to find some interesting. Weekend parents.the theme is interesting and attractive. Since i am a mother and i will keep more attention to these topic. Maybe it shows that i am a little old. Anyway, In the Play, when the hoste ...
567 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares The spare time
yvonneandmandy 2017-1-9 21:42
As the coming of CNY,I am a little idle recently. So with a lot of time without nothing important to do. So i am reanding the message and mini novels on weichat. When i read a novel. after 14 passage. it took about 20 yuan to continue to read but the story is too interesting and attractive. Wh ...
446 views|0 replies
Shares What is my aim in 2017
yvonneandmandy 2017-1-5 20:03
It is the fifth day in 2017. but I did not have any aim in my heart. And i do not know what's aim i should have. how can i begin with 2017? Is it funny? Most of the time, i am wondering why i am working now. After ten years, then what should i do? Still working for others? If it is possible to have ...
677 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares made the mistake
yvonneandmandy 2016-11-7 20:12
Today I found a mistake in my work.I did the packing list as previous PO order. When the client update the PO NO. recently , I had check it without changes then did not pay more attention to it. But actuall it has a little changes at last. But i did not find, Though it did not make any loss this tim ...
681 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares easy to be angry
yvonneandmandy 2016-10-14 22:39
Today i am easy to be angry even crazy. My daughter like to put off every thing which always anger me. Every morning. She will get up at 6:50. To save the time. Usually i will help her put on clothes in the morning. She will brush her teeth at about 7:10. But she like to play and staring at ...
503 views|0 replies
Shares The value of work
yvonneandmandy 2016-10-10 20:03
These days i am thinking of the value of my work. What is value. I did not find and i even do not know if i can learn something meaningful from my present job. My main work is to follow the order about the packaging and label. Someone suggest that if you think the work can not improve yourself or yo ...
528 views|3 replies Hot 3
Shares idle on line
yvonneandmandy 2016-9-28 20:30
I have not opened my computer for several days. Today when i opened then i do not know what i should do. Without any aims and intention. Days before i am learning the coradraw but it is a little difficult for me. So i did not learn these days. Now when i open the computer with nothing t ...
354 views|0 replies


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