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Shares Living freely
yvonneandmandy 2016-7-19 20:52
I always find many people living in a casual and free way lives, They will enjoy the great meal with their friends after work and share the pictures in weichat space. Frankly, most of the time, I admire their living style. But i seldom have the chance, Since i have child then lives goes in another w ...
702 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares idle time
yvonneandmandy 2016-7-18 20:38
Recently,I feel a little idle with many things to do at work then i do not know what to do. Since in the factory, They just hope you to work all the time rather than to read or know more thing unrelated to work Since all of our computers can not go online and all the computers are monitored by the m ...
587 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares about bringing up the child
yvonneandmandy 2016-7-17 13:30
Yesterday it is mandy's 5 years birthdays, her another 3 best friends come and celebrate for her. She was very excited and happy. they are talking, laughing, speaking and so on. Her father ask her to stop, she did not hear at first then her father named her name and goggled at her then she cri ...
465 views|0 replies
Shares about work
yvonneandmandy 2016-7-10 14:29
Long time no visiting here since there as something wrong with my computer. It is a little old with slow online speed. Today i just want to write something about my work. I am working in the shoe factory resposible for the packaging and ordering labels. it is an boring and need to be more careful ...
449 views|0 replies
Shares about work
yvonneandmandy 2016-7-10 14:29
Long time no visiting here since there as something wrong with my computer. It is a little old with slow online speed. Today i just want to write something about my work. I am working in the shoe factory resposible for the packaging and ordering labels. it is an boring and need to be more careful ...
283 views|0 replies
Shares Different sunday
yvonneandmandy 2016-6-26 14:25
Today is cloudy, it is very rare with this weather on sunday, I had intended to go out with Many but she requried to invite her friends come and play with her. So i agree.They are all in five years old and very noisy and naughty. All the rooms filled with their laughs,shouting, quarreling.At noon, I ...
548 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Today is sunday
yvonneandmandy 2016-6-12 19:12
Today i did not work but my daughter must go to school. So it is a day belong to myself. I had felt happyand free but actually........ In the morning. I got up at 6:20, then i began to prepare the breakfast then i went to the vegetable market for purchasing.After the breakfast, i send her to school ...
511 views|3 replies Hot 2
Shares about marriage
yvonneandmandy 2016-5-30 21:18
Today we are talking about marriage in the office. since one of my colleague will get married soon.He just meet her girl friend for s few days. they are introduced by their relatives. But they will get married soon, He said he did not know each other well since they selm contact or talk to each othe ...
557 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares about the second baby
yvonneandmandy 2016-5-29 20:41
Today we visit one of my friend who had just her second baby. It is still a girl.But whatever a girl or a boy, i felt happy for her. Since one family with two children is more happier.I also desired to have a second one.But my husband is not the one who can support a family with two children, Since ...
630 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares about writing
yvonneandmandy 2016-5-27 20:48
Most of the time, i want to write something in english. But when i decide to write then my head in blank. I do not know where to start or how to write. I am wondering if i am in great lack of knowlege and vocabulary. I spend most of the time in reading other's diary. It is really meaningful to get ...
590 views|8 replies Hot 4


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