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Shares Chapter 7 A winged ball
Aurasolar 2022-4-17 22:56
I want to fly outside! Gene and Amir! Here we are! We chorused. Gene bounced up and glided with his winged shoes. Amir tried her wings and fluttered from a window in the breeze. I stood on the window sill and flapped my fluffy wings. We sailed in the morning sky. Amir was ...
Individual Classification: Sol Symphony|381 views|0 replies
Shares Chapter 6 Amir
Aurasolar 2022-4-16 11:13
I hovered over treetops and wandered in a glade. Flicker among sprouts and curling tender leaves. Shimmer on the waves. Flutter among the greeneries, and spread my fluffy wings. Glide through the strawberry shrubs. The air smells balmy, the fragrance of honey, blooms and berries drifting. Glide a ...
Individual Classification: Sol Symphony|396 views|0 replies
Shares Chapter 5 Star seeds
Aurasolar 2022-4-16 11:09
The sky is full of stars. All the stars are around Gene. Gene stretched out his fingers, as if he could reach the shimmering pinpoints. A constant star gazer, his clear eyes gleamed with joy on seeing the stars. Gleaming hearty Regulus was rising from the east over a s ...
Individual Classification: Sol Symphony|353 views|0 replies
Shares Chapter 4 Snowflake and Maple
Aurasolar 2022-4-11 09:19
I grew fanciful, when several pearly clouds dappled the clear blue sky. Imagine fluffy snowdrops blossoming in springtime, or pearly gems strung on watery thread. From remote sky, a plump whale with a fluffy tail was sailing in the deep blue sky sea, tapping the unknown world in curiosity. ...
Individual Classification: Sol Symphony|356 views|0 replies
Shares Chapter 3 Gene and Doris
Aurasolar 2022-4-10 12:27
All the birds were chattering and chirping. The weather was fine, always warm in spring. In our sphere, it is warm almost all year long. On a sunny slope, little seedlings are sprouting pale green, and morning glories were opening. In a valley, violets were blooming, spr ...
Individual Classification: Sol Symphony|298 views|0 replies
Shares Chapter 2 By a creek
Aurasolar 2022-4-9 14:50
In the early morning, I woke up in warm sunrays. Fresh air dipped in clear sky. Ivies turned tender green, and morning glories were blooming on the vines. I yawned and stretched myself. Then I dressed in a downy pinkish cashmere gown. Of course, two holes were poked to stick out my wings ...
Individual Classification: Sol Symphony|267 views|0 replies
Shares Sol Symphony Prelude
Aurasolar 2022-4-8 12:17
One day, I fluttered over treetops, soared among leaves and frolicked in sunrays cheerfully. At the crack of dawn, bright lemon rays shimmered from summits. A frosty star was flickering in the moist, fresh sky. For a moment, crimson sunrays radiated from the globe, infusing pinkish and greenish ra ...
Individual Classification: Sol Symphony|322 views|0 replies

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