It is very interesting that an article I read yesterday says thoughts are just a form of energy that mind constantly make. It's only your interest and association with it make it obsessive.
Yes, then how should it help to rid of my crush with A? It seems I barely can direct my attentions away from her, even if I pretended to, my heart stays there.
I know this is not the right girl I usually likes. Very lilkely my interests arose just because she offered something I have been longing to, some exitement, some imagination. Especially to a married person, this feeling is precious.
For many months since she came, I had no feeling toward her, not even a little. It all happened since she told me she likes me. So, can I say it's not her I like, it's only I like to be liked, and that is right my interest. And that desire is so strong that I cannot afford to let it go.
yes, the situation is complicated, and might get even worse. how should I maintain to be cool among it?