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Oct. 24

689 views. 2011-10-24 00:50

Life is full of tempatations, some of which lead to enjoyment, and others result in sufferings.
Don't fall in traps my dear friends. This is all that I've learned from my recent experience.
If you're naive, or someone else in your life is naive, lessons will be taught to your life.
Enough is enough, and the end is an end. you need to be careful as well as decisive.
What concerns me is the humanity and the stability of married life rather than a particular office crush.
I'm still a cool and wise man.  

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply 异物 2011-10-24 02:42
Cool! Man!
Reply samscri 2011-11-19 02:53
"If you're naive, or someone else in your life is naive, lessons will be taught to your life."
---If you are hurt, or you've hurt someone else, scars will be left on both hearts...
Reply everlast 2011-12-7 14:51
samscri: "If you're naive, or someone else in your life is naive, lessons will be taught to your life."
---If you are hurt, or you've hurt someone el
Isn't there, even for only once, you want to do something crazy? If there is, you don't think about consequence. Scars? we don't calculate if that is something we call crazy. Time will bring all away, and memory stays
Reply samscri 2011-12-10 01:30
Crazy is fine as long as you don't involve others...But if you did, and it lead a bad influnce on the other person, it's called irresponsible...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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