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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares Beauty After Waves
teadrinking 2024-7-24 15:59
Life is a journey, rich with diverse vistas and endless horizons. It offers the opportunity to explore new paths and the time to cultivate personal growth. Along the way, it provides ample space for reflection and introspection. Every single step taken, every moment experienced, forms an integral ...
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Shares Scorching
teadrinking 2024-7-21 15:47
A temperature of 40 degrees Celsius is no joke, yet the cicadas are chirping joyfully, as if singing praises for this scorching summer. The moment you step away from the air conditioning, you are instantly drenched in sweat, with beads rolling down your forehead, soaking your clothes, and the stic ...
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Shares Summer Strategies
teadrinking 2024-7-17 15:11
As the hot summer arrives, it feels like living in a boiling pot, with sweat never waning under the relentless heat. To avoid the risk of sunstroke, early mornings are ideal for activity. Thus, I rise early and head to the tea fields for weeding, which also helps burn some calories. Sometimes, I ev ...
84 views|0 replies
Shares Beneath the New Version
teadrinking 2024-7-14 15:22
The road ahead is not smooth, yet as I gaze at the distant horizon, I am amazed by the view that inspires my mind and strengthens my resolve. Despite my efforts to better myself, the path is full of obstacles, and I sometimes struggle to see things from all angles. Now, I have a new opportunity to ...
103 views|0 replies
Shares To Do or Not
teadrinking 2024-6-29 22:20
The road to an ideal land is not easy. Sometimes, it remains just a dream or hope, yet it motivates those with a determined mind to keep moving forward. No matter how long the journey or how tough the experience, it never stops those who are committed. Though the path may be unusual and uncomfortab ...
169 views|0 replies
Shares Sweat and Steam
teadrinking 2024-6-28 21:41
After a week of relentless downpours, the heavy rain has finally let up. However, this temporary break in the weather doesn’t signal an end to discomfort. The days ahead are set to be dominated by muggy, humid conditions. Every time the rain stops, the air becomes thick with moisture, making ever ...
156 views|0 replies
Shares Unstoppable Water
teadrinking 2024-6-26 15:44
As the rain persists, flooding appears unavoidable, and streams rage with intensity. There is no indication that the rain will cease anytime soon. Therefore, one must persevere until the dawn. An individual is vulnerable, powerless against the forces of nature, unable to alter the course of the wea ...
157 views|0 replies
Shares Wait and Realization
teadrinking 2024-6-24 08:42
A single deed can spark incredible change. The actions we often overlook can one day lead to something extraordinary. In essence, there's no need to rush; instead, we should practice patience. This approach increases our chances of achieving greatness. Success is a process of accumulation. What we ...
110 views|0 replies
Shares Abundant Rainfall
teadrinking 2024-6-23 08:33
It has been raining for days, and the damp weather and high humidity are causing discomfort. However, the plants are thriving, as the rain provides them with ample water and nutrients. The birds are twittering, and the streams are singing joyfully, adding a lovely melody to the environment. Accordi ...
111 views|0 replies
Shares Awesome Gardening
teadrinking 2024-6-19 23:32
When the sun rises, its warmth quickly spreads, announcing the very time of summer. At such moments, engaging in exercise becomes an exhilarating activity. As I become drenched in sweat, a cool sense of relaxation captures my entire body. This is the essence of self-training, and I cherish the pro ...
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