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Men in Vigilance

980 views. 2020-7-10 17:49

With two fried leek pies & a cup of soybean milk, I slipped through the small door into the community DT Homeland, the only side gate convenient for home owners’small shopping and breakfast in no eyes of door-keepers & security guards.

Loitering aimlessly around the well planned paths, I heard drilling  sounds from several buildings where sandbag-like construction waste piled up outside the units, newcomers keeping moving in. Housing, tearing down and rebuilding, is now developing gradually from open space to indoors. Homes are being decorated more and more elaborately and delicately.

I stopped in front of a unit of a building where hundreds of white bags of demolition waste piled up along the walkway. “Are you workers?”I approached the two men in proper shirts squatting beside. “No.” They looked at me with eyes wide open. “Oh, you are home owners. I’ve been talking with home decorators and looking for workers.”I said casually, throwing the empty plastic bag and bottle into a large green dustbin close by. As expected, they said:“We can help, where?”

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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