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Like Grandfather, Like Granddaughter

Hot 11042 views. 2020-8-30 15:09

Waiting at bus stop near Zijinshan  telpher this morning, I heard a man in his 70s boasting of his granddaughter  (following his comment on the fierce quarrel minutes earlier on a bus between an old man of similar age with the driver over wearing face mask in the bus): “ Once she asked me: ‘Are you a college graduate?’ I replied: ‘No.’  She said: 'Then why do you interrupt? How can a school pupil quarrels with a college student!” "Cannot interrupt if not a college graduate?" People around dismissed it with a smile.

He continued: “That day I gave a thumb-up to a new post of her college web,  she was ungrateful: ‘Why do you mind my school's business?’ ... My granddaughter, daughter’s daughter, fierce!” People around were awed!  

I understand he was talking about himself, for he glimpsed himself from the reflections in the mirror of her grandchild. Not an oil-saving lamp, he must be very fierce in his young.


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Reply davidjuyong 2021-9-1 15:16
HAHA wonderful

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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