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A Key Talk

Hot 2748 views. 2021-9-15 12:35

Now my turn comes to be forgetful. This morning no sooner had I closed the door than I remember my key was inside. Things like this happen more often than before. What a poor memory! 

On second thought, I believe it's reasonable. It is rather the mind and attention than the age that speaks for such absent-mindedness specific to elders. I rarely forget my camera in outdoors, less for my cell phone used for mobile pay or a Meituan shared-bike. For a bus ride, I always have my bus-card with me. In hot days I never forget to bring a water bottle. Let alone a face mask now. But not the keys (unless I put them inside my wallet).  Outdoors, we may carry a number of small things for possible use, the useless among them, to me at least, is the home key - not one to carry but a handful of ones in various shapes and sizes. 

In my mind, man, weaker in energy and mind with passing days, has no choice but to single out and tackle the principal contradictions in present day complex way of living. And thats the key to the life of elder people.


Post comment Comment (3 replies)

Reply davidjuyong 2021-9-15 15:34
Yes. There are many things have to be thought in our mind
Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2021-9-16 14:23
Just a slip..Never think too much of it.
Reply jpliu 2021-9-21 18:01
IMNONARCISSUS: Just a slip..Never think too much of it.
   i believe the key to it for elders is to wait a little bit, and do not rush before doing anything

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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