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Shares IS IT TRUE ?
sys 2021-11-16 21:16
There was a person who told me once there was no truth in the world, even the recording in history. I didn't get the meaning at that time, but I experienced much the following days. There are always something happened to me whic ...
361 views|0 replies
Shares The problem induce means
sys 2021-11-15 10:09
I was irritated for long period time yesterday, however, I adjusted well after healthy rest through sleeping . Just said as Nietzsche" Nothing can be compared than the sleeping well on rest." learn to be ...
328 views|0 replies
Shares How to live efficiently ?
sys 2021-11-14 15:58
When we pursue the efficiency on life we are going against the life itself. Actually, I am one of the elements in the universe. we live happily and benefit other unit. however, we spend too much time on work, there is a saying , the work is the spine of life which ...
382 views|0 replies
Shares starting the new journey
sys 2021-11-13 13:41
This morning I suddenly realize I haven't left trace on this website long period time. what made the regular habit function smoothly? I definitely think it is the willingness . it seemed that there are always occasional elements happen to us which result the irregular orders . ...
324 views|0 replies
Shares me ?
sys 2020-6-30 17:17
I just deleted a blog named , introducing myself to you . I decided to delete it owing to the truth that I don't know who I am now . suffering the different affairs in the normal life and being destroyed by accident I am not the one who are passionate in life . what 's more , I have bee ...
902 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares many people refuse the wig
sys 2020-6-29 09:49
the preparation for purchase a lace wig took me long time ,but the result didn’t pleased me much. I v’e thought it would be modern style and would be amazing when I wear it . I wear it with the suitable clothes when I go to work . To my surprise , most ...
459 views|0 replies
Shares Did it occur if I undertook much
sys 2020-5-25 08:38
I used to think I was a strong one in life, but I must be much stronger to undertake the responsibility. There are always phenomena to hint me I should be hardworking . In spite of the finance’s condition is not the key factor to deal with the sophesticated situation , but it is the e ...
551 views|0 replies
Shares A bad news hurt me
sys 2020-5-9 11:05
I was astonished when I got the news from the message on Wechat, Then I hurry to telephone to another friend, she definietly told me that the friend , who always positive with everything in the world , and always encourage others , whoes father passed away at dawn. I can't accept the news ...
886 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares House
sys 2020-5-6 16:39
Every one needs special house for themselves which tells us we have our own room on the earth . because of the more and more population we have to live in several storeies There is affair to handel, I must leave now . 彩虹炫 | Edit Delete Report sys ...
486 views|1 replies
Shares live a little more
sys 2020-5-5 20:51
live a little more
It is hard to feel felicity in ordinary life , which caused unrest for most people. Therefore , most of us rush for more stuff , actually, It is the richest time in the history, then what is the key factor making people worry about future. I used to live in plans, and al ...
611 views|0 replies


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