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A Sweet Dream

Hot 31611 views. 2013-12-13 10:53 | sweet dreams, my crush

The familiar face come to my dreams again last night,  and the face is still young, sunny, he smiles a lot each time he saw me as before. In the dreams, there are times when we meet after ten year's without contact, he was companied by a young lady and a beautiful daughter, it seemed a bit embarrassed the first sight when I stood in front of his house, which was a normal dorm in a primary school. We greeted each other and introduced his wife and daughter to me. I squatted down and hug  the little girl in my arm, the girl smiled and showed a bit shyness, and then went back to her father. Obviously, it's a happy family, I can't help but feel gratified.

     It's exactly ten years we didn't see each other till this year, but in my dream I could not picture what he looks like right now, so the face is still the face I knew. Entering into his house, and finally I was arranged and seated myself in a solid chair. His wife offered a cup of hot tea and went to the kitchen to prepared their lunch then. Many minutes later, he showed up without wearing his suit and find a seat diagonally across a rectangle table. After seconds silence, we smiled and I found he was not as talkable as before, so I asked something about his family and his job right now, all I wanted to know is that he lives a good life, even I was expecting he would live a life better than me, but he answered in short words. 

      He passed me many bags of special local products, which I never had seen before and I couldn't name one of them. I smiled and accepted it. We said goodbye like the way I said goodbye to one of my relatives.

     Wish everything goes well with him, though it's not a perfect meeting after ten years without seeing each other in my dreams. To be honest, I do hope I can get a warm hug if we could got a chance to see each other in reality in the future. I miss you, my dear first crush.

Post comment Comment (8 replies)

Reply rich 2013-12-13 12:00
So you met in the dream, didn't you? Why not look for him and get in touch with him again?
Reply sunnyv 2013-12-13 16:35
If another woman takes your man ....
there is no better revenge than letting her keep him ...
Real Men can't be taken away by others ...
Reply Ausfrank 2013-12-14 07:18
I really like your writing, it is smooth and interesting to read.
I am just curious if you came across this man, will you expect him whom has been married like now or he is still a single man? I would think this is a challenging question that you hardly make yourself clear.
Any way, this is a good life story, simple but meaningful.  
Reply Ausfrank 2013-12-14 08:03
sunnyv: If another woman takes your man ....
there is no better revenge than letting her keep him ...
Real Men can't be taken away by others ...
Hey Sunny, no doubt the real man has gone to someone. The man who lives in her heart cannot be real, can he?
Ha ha, I am just kidding, I know what you mean. In Chinese, we call that this is an "Ah Q spirit". it means that making yourself feel better by thinking differently even it is not real or may not achievable.
Reply sunnyv 2013-12-14 10:25
Ausfrank: Hey Sunny, no doubt the real man has gone to someone. The man who lives in her heart cannot be real, can he?
Ha ha, I am just kidding, I know what you ...
We also use the phrase ''Ah Q sprit'' or ''Ah Q mentality'' over here.

However, I believe some men like girls who have that faithful, attached or never let go attitude.
Reply Kimi011812 2013-12-17 10:49
rich: So you met in the dream, didn't you? Why not look for him and get in touch with him again?
I wanted to but I'm worrying I might ruin the eternal good memories if we finally meet in real life!
Reply Kimi011812 2013-12-17 11:01
sunnyv: If another woman takes your man ....
there is no better revenge than letting her keep him ...
Real Men can't be taken away by others ...
No, he's not the right guy now but he once was when we studied in  the middle school, he confessed his love for me that time but u know I thought it's too early for 14, 15 years old girl to accept a puppy love(朦胧的爱),so I just said "no" each time he wrote me love letters even when I entered in collage later, then we lost contact when I was a sophomore student. So it's ten years past since the last we see each other
Reply Kimi011812 2013-12-17 11:13
Ausfrank: I really like your writing, it is smooth and interesting to read.
I am just curious if you came across this man, will you expect him whom has been mar ...
Thanks for the applause. Acturally we didn't see each other since we graduated from our middle school, so ten years has passed the last time we see each other. So I don't know whether he got married or not, it's just happens many times in my dreams in the past few weeks

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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