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teadrinking: It is hard to be mother-in-law, and now you got the tough situation, and particulary you are now conceiving your bady, so first things first, to let e ...
poorman: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is really complex? fortunately I am a man. But as a daughter-in-law, you will be a mother-i ...
sunnyv: Oh you are really in a no-win situation. Dealing with a normal mother-in-law is challenging enough, but you have a hot potato here. It is very difficu ...
gino: I am worried about your current situation,the first things you must keep a good mood and waiting for your husband come back,there is nothing important ...
Kimi011812: She often lost herself in thinking nothing in her own world, what I can do is just talk to her after work and show her some variety show on computer.
Kimi011812: Thanks for the comforting and understanding, I'll try to be Ok and accept which can not be changed right now. Fortunately, I'll go home and stay with ... --- A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!
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