

阅读 :

 We learned from your advertisement in Globe Boston that you are an exporter of glass art works and we are taking the liberty to ask you to send us some samples of the advertised products. Our firm is an company engaged in import/export of arts and crafts. Recent years we have put more interest in glass art works. We are thinking of expanding our business to the U.S.A. and hope we will establish business relations with you very shortly.


  我方为专门经营 工艺品 进出口 的公司,近年对玻璃 工艺品 投入更多的兴趣。现正计划把业务扩大到美国。近几年来开始 进出口 玻璃产品,因而希望能迅速与贵公司建立贸易关系。

更多 商务英语写作英语应用文写作外贸英语函电,请点击 英语短文

本文标题:索要样品范文 - 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作

上一篇:外贸寄样英语 下一篇:函告直送样品


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