
英语E-mail抄这本就够了 Unit 10-2:催促返还所借资料

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Dear Bob,

I want to ask you whether you could return the documents I lent you last month?

As I explained to you earlier, they are very important to me. I really need you to return them as soon as possible. I have already reminded you of this matter for several times.

Please tell me frankly, what on earth is the reason that you can't return them back? In fact, I really don't want something like this to get in the way of our relationship.

Yours truly,
菲奥娜 谨上

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本文标题:英语E-mail抄这本就够了 Unit 10-2:催促返还所借资料 - 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作


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