

阅读 :
Of all of the games, i love table-tennis better. i feel it is not just a sport but in addition an art, because this is a game that needs strength and ability.

a fewpeople think that playing table-tennis needs little strength, but i don't believe so. In playing table-tennis, we should almethodsjudge the direction of the ball, and hit it back with wonderfulstrength in order that we will be able to wwithin the game. on the similar time we would like to pick out up the ball which falls to the bottom. So after one game you are going to be very tired when you have tried your greatest.

But, as a sport, i feel it more like an art. within the game, you'll be able to occasionally locatethe ball moving quickly, and eachof the players'movements could be very beautiful.

So I just like the game greatly. althoughi will be able to't play it really well, I still displaywonderfulinterest in it. i feel playing table-tennis can build bodies,stayus fitand teachour brains. So i really like it greatly.

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本文标题:初一英语作文:我喜欢的运动 - 初中英语作文_初中生英语作文_七年级英语作文


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