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Foreign Students Studied In Korea 外国学生到韩国学习

Chinese education is always believed to be intense and inhuman, because so many children bury themselves in studying all the time. The program for foreign students studied in China became hot issue, which attracts Britain people to keep searching the Asian education. Now they make the plan to send three students to study in Korea.

The three students contain different levels. They lived with different roomates. The first day they met the big problem of waking up. They needed to get up at 6 o’clock, while in Britain they had class in 9 o’clock. When they struggled to sit in the classroom, the teacher tested their level. The foreign student with highest level felt hard to answer the question, while for most Korean students, they felt it was so easy.

When the class was finally over, it seemed to be relax, but for Korean students, there was another class waiting for them. Most of them needed to take training course just to improve their study until 10 P.M. The foreign students couldn’t believe, they kept studying all the time and had no time to play.

When they went back to their country, they felt so happy and lucky. Asian students are thought to be smart, for they spend so much time to study.

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