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Sports Stars Get Amused 体育明星娱乐化

The Olympic Games holds every four years and many athletes gain fame after this great event. Many athletes begin to show in the screen and join the TV shows. Some people think it is bad for athletes because it wastes their time to practise, while some people think it helps the athletes to gain income. Actually, sports stars get amused is a trend.

The traditional view thinks that an athlete should get away from the amuse circle, because it will distract their attention and then makes him lose in the fame. The lack of time to practise is easy to be lagged behind others for an athlete, which will ruin his entire career.

But in the modern age, if the athletes don’t join the TV shows and are recognized by more audiences, there is no way for them to attract more sponsors and have the enough income to support practise. What’s more, they also need money to improve their lives. Many famous athletes join the activities not only can earn money, but also let more people to fall in love with sports.

The audiences are happy to see their heroes in the screen and know more about the sports.
观众很高兴看到他们的英雄出现在屏幕上,他们也学到了更多关于运动的知识 。

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