
大学英语作文范文: 勤俭节约

阅读 :

As we all know,thrift is a great tradition of the Chinese nation, but also a concrete expression of high moral standing. Along with the more and more higher of living standards, many people are no longer interested in the life of thrift. They felt that thrift is becoming a thing of the pas.just as the saying goes, "Waste not, want not". In fact, the thrift is not a matter of how difficult it does not need you too much to deliberate what to do.

For one thing, in a personal way,there are many things worth saving, such as water, food, power, etc. What you waste is what others need, we will not only think what we like and what we want,but also consider about the necessary to someone. For another, as a country, it is essential that advocate the good tradition of hardworking and being frugal and consciously resist waste and extravagance. Our government is aiming to build an economical society.

At last, we need to work hard, be thrifty, and oppose waste and extravagance. Not only is it our traditional virtue, but also it can help us save resources.

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