
大学英语作文范文: 格莱美的宠儿

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Grammy’s Beloved 格莱美的宠儿

Every year, the Grammy award ceremony catches the world’s attention. American movies take the lead around the world, and the famous popular singers are favored everywhere. This year, Adele became the biggest winner. She won five awards after she was nominated for five awards. She is Grammy’s Beloved.


Adele, a fat girl who was from Britain. She has the amazing voice, while her appearance first was not favored by the music producer. It is known to all that there were so many beautiful girls who were also talented in music. But Adele’s voice was special and something classic, so the music producer did not give up her. The fact turned out to be that they made the right choice.


Adele’s powerful and classic voice soon was favored by the audience. Her first album won many awards in Britain, which caught the musicians’ attention, then she released her second album. As many people sung her song in the singing competition, Adele was famous around the world.


Though Adele quits singing for three years, her songs could be heard everywhere. Adele inspires many girls to follow their dreams.


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