
大学考证热 University Certificate Craze

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In recent years, because of various reasons, almost all college students are interested in obtaining various cetificates.Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possible, you may get the answer that he is preparing for the exam of a certificate of some kind.Why does obtaining a certificate become so popular?近几年,由于各种原因,几乎所有的大学生热衷于获得各类证书。只是随便问几个在校学生他们在忙什么,很可能你会得到这样的答案,他们正在为某种证书考试做准备。为什么考证变得如此流行?As far as I am concerned, there are threemain reasons.To begin with, it is the employment pressure that urges college students to get certificates.With the admission expansion of colleges, the job market is very competitive.Graduates hope that get more certificates to get more chances.Moreover, diploma and certificateds are still vital standards by which a good many employers measure a person's ability.Therefore, in order to increase their competitiveness, students have to get several certificates at hand and use them as astepping-stone to job.Finally, in order to make money,many education and training institutionsencourage students to participate in training courses to obatain certificates.在我看来,主要有三个原因。首先,就业压力迫使学生去获得证书。随着大学的扩招,就业市场竞争很大。毕业生希望获得更多证书从而获得更多机会。另外,文凭和证书仍然是很多招聘者衡量一个人的能力的重要标准。因此,为了提高他们的竞争力,学生们不得不有几个证书在手,并把它们当做工作的垫脚石。最后,为了赚钱,很多教育和培训机构鼓励学生参加培训课程取得证书。From my point of view, it's good for college students to have some certificates if they are sure what they would do in the future, because students can get knowledge during the preparation.But crazy in getting certificates blindly is not encouraged. It will be nothing but wasting time.In short, we should focus on improving ability but not on how many certificates we get.在我看来,如果大学生知道他们将来想要做什么,有一些证书对他们来说是好的,因为在准备的过程中他们可以学到知识。但是不鼓励盲目疯狂的考证,这样只会浪费时间。总之,我们应该注重提高能力而不是我们获得了多少证书。
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