龙岗英语角_深圳公益英语角_22nd Little Grass English Corner: English Debate
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English Debate 英语辩论
22nd Little Grass English Corner
Time: Sunday, August 15, 14:30-17:30
Venue: One Shot Cafe(六约地铁站C1出口500米)
Event Procedure:
1. Free Talk & Self-Introduction
2. Informal Debate:
Effort is more important than intelligence in achieving success (Affirmative side) vs. Intelligence is more important than effort in achieving success (Negative side)
成功路上,勤奋比天赋更重要(正方)vs. 成功路上,天赋比勤奋更重要(反方)
3. English Social Game: Police vs. Killer
* We practice presentation skills and have fun through playing English game.
Entry Fee: Free
Site Fee: Since we use the place of coffee shop, each participant please remember to order a drink to support the Cafe.
You can choose to be one of these three roles in this activity:
Affirmative side debater (Maximum Participants: 5)
Negative side debater (Maximum Participants: 5)
Audience (Maximum Participants: 5)
Scan the QR Code or add Wechat: wandaozhu to join Little Grass English Corner WeChat group and Sign up.

