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  A survey on performance of our department which is Customer Service, was carried out amount employees and customers. A few findings are developed in this following report.

  First of all, to start with positive points, it was reported that management fosters team spirit, and it is well followed by employees. Moreover, excellent feedbacks from our customers were received, they were all fully satisfied with services provided to them. In addition, sales results exceeded plan this year, which refect our effectiveness.

  Secondly, unfortunately, there is still weaknesses which could be improved. For instance, the questionnaire sent to employees outlines the lack of motivation within our team, people don’t work with gusto. Likewise, they all complain about a lack of communication between Technical Service and Sales Department, which can affect our customers. Our competitors may take advantage of it.

  Finally, I am confident that we can achieve improvement. Regarding the lack of motivation I would recommend our Human Resources department to review their salary statements, indeed, Employees fell a bit of gap between their salary and the ongoing rate, thus pay people what they worth. Moreover, praise people and publically recognize their individual performance and leader should define clearly each employee objectives.

  In terms of communication, I suggest that our management leader start setting up regular meeting including sales and technical people and foster open dialogue.

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