

阅读 :


  支持support ; endorse ; back up ; uphold

  谴责condemn ; express strong disapproval of

  错的mistaken ; erroneous ; wrong incorrect

  错事wrongdoing ; had acts ; misbehavior

  做相反的do the reverse of ; do the opposite

  归咎blame…on ; put the blame on … ; …is to blame

  瓦解disintegrate ; break up ; separate into small parts

  支持某一方in favor of ; on the side of


  意见不和clashes of opinion

  一致的unanimous ; in complete agreement

  不恰当inappropriate ; improper ; unsuitable ; inadequate

  批判criticize ; blame; find fault with ; make judgments of the merits and faults of…

  我们想念…we are convinced that…; we are certain that..

  我愿意I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tend to

  有用的useful ; of use; serviceable; good for; instrumental; productive

  有意义的meaningful; fulfilling

  他们不愿承认这一点they have always been reluctant to admit this…

  在大家同意下by common consent of…

  否定deny; withhold; negate

  承认admit; acknowledge; confess; concede

  于事无补of no help; of no avail; no use

  使…受益benefit…; do good to…; is good for…; is of great benefit to…

  想法frame of mind; mind set; the way one is thinking

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