
On Employment 大学生就业

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With the increase of the number of graduated college students, the grim employment situation is becoming a hot topic. Why such a phenomenon occurs? Except for some social factors, there are many important affecting factors can be found on the job-hunters themselves.

When a graduate hunts for a job, he has to take the priority issue of a few significant factors into consideration, such as the pay, the specific field, the location and personal hobbies. It is reasonable. However, most of graduates usually combone all these factors toghther. In their opinions, the pay should take the first place, since they have been spending the money of the family all the time, and it’s time to do something as the reward to other family members. Besides, a high pay usually means a relatively high position in the company; the major is the number one element as well, since it would be a big waste of what they have learned in college, if they deviate from it. Meanwhile, they want to chose work which can agree with their interest and preference. Still they offer the pride of place to the location of the job and the nature of the work unit. They believe that big cities like Beijing or Shanghai will provide more opportunities, and a public situation will offer better welfare. Thereby they have to waif for employment, although they have graduated for several months.

For my part, I believe that there is more than one way to Rome, so is the way of job-hunting. The ideal mehhod for being employed is to learn to make intelligent trade-offs.

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