
My view on Using Mobile Phones 我对学生使用手机的看法

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  Dear editor,


  The article gave us two different opinions on whether students should use mobile phones or not. Teachers, students and their parents all have expresed their own attitude.


  As for me, I think students should be allowed to use mobile phones. High-tech communicational machines are needed for students to achieve more news all around the world, especially for the ones who live in school. The huge earthquake in Sichuan on May the 12th, for example, is a piece of terrifying news to all the people. With mobile phones, we can know this more quickly and give them some money, clothes and food as soon as possible. Mobile phones play an important part among the young, too. They can help us to communicate with friends that are away from us easily. And they can help us to tell our parents whether we're in danger, in trouble, or meeting with other problems.


  Generally speaking, I think, students should use mobile phones.




  真诚的 Rainy

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学生Student 手机Mobile phone

本文标题:My view on Using Mobile Phones 我对学生使用手机的看法 - 高考英语作文_高考英语作文万能模板_高考英语满分作文范文


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