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  武汉第三制药厂(Medical nant)研制了一种新药,药品已被外商订购。制药厂请你为该厂产品写一份说明书,请根据提示完成。

  1. 本药品为中药,对心脏病疗效显著。

  2. 用量:每日三次,一次两粒(pi11);发病时可加服1~2粒。可长期服用。





  A New Kind of Medicine

  Wuhan No.3 Medical Plant has invented a new kind of medicine.It is very good for heart trouble (disease). It should be taken three times a clay and two pills once. It can also be taken one or two more pills if needed. This kind of medicine can be used for a long time.It's dangerous for children and the pregnant. They mustn't take this medicine. If you are not feeling well after taking the medicine, you should stop taking it. This medicine should be kept in a cool and dry place. It's better to follow the doctor's advice before taking it.c


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